Shadows of Revelation

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I inhale deeply, relishing the delightful aroma that fills the air, a rich blend of herbs and flowers that instantly soothes my senses. The scent beckons me into the quaint tea shop nestled in the alleyway, its exterior far from suspicious. As I step inside, my eyes take in the warm ambiance, the wooden furniture lending a rustic charm to the space. Behind the counter stands a teenager, not much older than myself, stifling a yawn as they attend to their duties.

Glancing at the assortment of teas listed on the board, I find myself immersed in choices, each one promising a unique flavour and experience. Lost in contemplation, I'm momentarily distracted by the gentle jingle of the bell, signalling the arrival of another customer. Curious, I turn to catch a glimpse of who it might be, my interest piqued by the prospect of company in this cosy sanctuary of tea.

Intrigued by his appearance, I couldn't help but study the character before me. Clad in a bamboo hat and sporting a voluminous white beard, he exuded an aura of age and wisdom, an unexpected sight in the bustling tea shop. His choice of accessories, including a staff, hinted at a playful spirit, perhaps a desire to relive youthful days through cosplay, at least that's what it looks like.

Turning my attention back to the menu board, I felt my imagination sparked by the enigmatic presence of the old man. The cashier's swift acknowledgment of him, with a familiar greeting of "hello Wu, the usual?" only added to his mystique. Surprisingly, despite my presence, he seemed to command attention effortlessly, leaving me feeling somewhat overshadowed.

As the cashier darted off to fulfil the old man's order, his raspy voice pierced the air with a request for a "meditation tea" alongside his regular choice. With a nod from the teen, I couldn't help but wonder about the stories hidden within the wrinkles of his weathered face, a testament to a lifetime of experiences.

The silence surrounding us is finally broken by Wu's enigmatic words as he turns towards me, his eyes carrying an ancient wisdom. "Child, I see you will face many things," he cryptically intones, his voice carrying an otherworldly resonance. I can't help but arch an eyebrow at his mystical proclamation. So, not only is he dressed like a character from a fantasy novel, but he's also a fortune teller? "Oh, care to elaborate?" I inquire, my curiosity piqued by his vague statement. Wu offers a serene smile before continuing, "You will encounter numerous ups and downs, but heed the messages within your dreams, for they will serve as your guiding light." I can't help but recall the vivid dream I had, where Lloyd appeared with a warning. It's a strange coincidence, to say the least. However, Wu's lack of elaboration leaves me feeling slightly exasperated.

Suddenly, the teen emerges from the back with two small bags in hand, interrupting our cryptic conversation. "Here ya go," he says, handing Wu the teas. Wu tosses four gold coins onto the counter as he departs, his parting words echoing in the air, "Get her a serenity brew and a visionary tea, will ya?" Then, with a mysterious farewell, he vanishes into the bustling street. I'm left pondering the strange encounter and its implications as I stand there, my mind swirling with questions.

As I reach for my wallet to pay, the teen shakes his head and informs me, "Wu has already paid for your teas." I'm taken aback, feeling a mixture of surprise and gratitude. "Oh, uh, thanks," I manage to utter, accepting the teas before making my way home, my thoughts still consumed by the mysterious encounter with the enigmatic Wu.

Returning home, I'm greeted by my mum, who has finally returned after a few hours after Lloyd left. She notices the brown bags I'm holding and curiously asks, "What's that you got there?" I casually respond, "Oh, just some tea I picked up for myself." She raises an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "Hmm, that's interesting. You've never been much of a tea drinker, except for green tea. What made you change your mind?"

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