Chapter 19

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I have published characters of my book before and  you can all go and check them out, but you all can also imagine the characters as you like them and enjoy the story

This is not an author chapter just a small thing I want to say.


I entered the room before Xavier and went straight to my seat next to Nathan. He looked at me, to ask if I was alright now. I nodded and passed him a smile to let him know that I'm alright now.i can feel eyes on me but I didn't look up to them but right now I can see my seat has been changed now I'm seating in between Xavier and Han and far from that racoon yes I'm going to call him racoon.

Xavier sat down next to me and took my hand into his, I know it was annoying but right now I need assurance that I'm finally free from a nightmare. I squeezed his hand back to let him know I'm alright.

The meeting got started by Xavier's manager telling what was proposed and what was needed to be done for the problem with our company and design. We sat and heard everything, then someone asked Scott to explain his proposal.

"Gentlemen and ladies, I will get straight to the point, we have analysed this project and also went ahead to be get a perfect quotation but unfortunately we lost the deal before to the Adams architecture, but after reading and seen their work we found some fault in construction quality and many things in front of you is a file mentioning everything we found", Ryan said.

"So, what are you proposing if we cancel the Adams deal and give it to you, how will that benefit us", Xavier asked.

"Mr. Stone, we will get the work done at a much cheaper price with better material, Melissa has already mentioned everything in the file", Ryan said.

I was looking at the file and found the materials that were mentioned are exclusive to only Adams construction and the faults they are showing are completely confidential so it's a bit of a faculty on their side not on us and Han has noticed it too. So, he was smiling after seeing this pathetic report. He motioned for me to go forward and expose some major facts.

"Mr. Stone, I think Mr. Scott is confused by the fault he is talking about right now", I said.

"Natalia, you have no idea what you are talking about so please stay out of it", Melissa said.

"It's Miss. Adams to you Melissa dear and I know what I'm saying", I said and after hearing this her eye's grew big, ofcourse why wouldn't they, what they did definitely come back to them,"  The material you have mentioned in this report, how are you going to get it can you guys explain", I asked her.

"Of course we have an exclusive deal with the company who provides it", she said.

"And who this company is to tell", I asked and she was shocked by the confidence she wanted to tell me but she was not able to say," it's alpha star construction which provides this material and it's completely exclusive deal which doesn't happen with anyone but Scott has it how come". I asked.

"What are you implying that we can't get this material from them", Ryan asked.

"Yes that's what we are saying", Han said.

"Mr. Adams I know you won't believe but we have an exclusive deal....", Ryan said and I interrupted him.

"Mr. Scott no one can make any deal on the material that you are trying to provide here Alpha star construction is an Adams corporations business and the things you are asking is not for public sale it is only used by our company and only in our project", I said.

"Natalia please don't lie to us and we all know you are just angry with us", Melissa said.

"Melissa you should stop talking and second I don't have time to play around with any of you", I said and then started the projector yes I came prepared for this meeting.", You know the material you guys are so freely providing is actually completely off limits and only be used by the Adams business and project, but you guys are telling us that you have the rights to use them I wonder how can that be".

I showed them the product that we were using and different other things. I have also shown them what we did and will do in the project but didn't go in too much information.

"And Mr. Scott, how did you get the material will be a question that you need to answer right now", Han asked after I completed the presentation.

"It was a deal we got by Melissa so I trust the company", Ryan said.

"So, I guess all the pictures and reports you have got are completely true right", I asked Melissa.

"Of course, I will always get my work done properly unlike others", she said with over confidence.

"Let me tell you something Melissa dear, the information you showed so proudly is completely confidential and these are not faulty information but false and half information", I said and then stood up so did Han.

"Mr. Scott and Miss. Evans please be ready to meet in court you guys have not just questioned our work but also did a very big fraudulent act towards our running project and Mr. Stone I guess this is enough for us to keep going on the project", Han said. And we both left the room.

After we left and went to the elevator it was just us. We both looked at each other and started laughing, Han was holding his stomach. We got on the ground floor and before the elevator door opened we composed ourselves. And walked out with a calm composer. We went to our car and drove together towards our office.

"Did you see their face it was priceless", Han said and we started laughing again.

"Han, I really wanted to slap you but after seeing there faces I guess I'll skip that", I said after controlling myself.

"Talia, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about this but it was dad's order not to tell you", he said.

"Why would dad ever say this, or you are lying to me", I asked him.

"No, Talia twin promises, you know I will never lie about something this big, let's get back to our office then you can ask him", he said.

I nodded and sat silently I was really mad at everyone who knew everything but didn't tell but I want to hold my composer and my anger before reacting to anything I know if I get a valid reason I'll be alright but if it turns into a joke I'll call mom and let her handle everything. But I'm thinking about Xavier right now but then my thought goes to Ryan and I get into a big whirlpool of thoughts. But I know only one person who can help me in this mess Leah.


Just a chapter showing Natalia's energy.
Theres more coming.

Enjoy your day and this book

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