{Chapter 2} Alliance

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I am lost in a tornado of thoughts when I feel a hand on the collar of my shirt. The hand pulls me down and I hit the floor of the roof with a thud."Dude!what the hell?!"Aiden whisper shouts at me. "I told you to get down!" "Sorry!" I say."what did you say earlier I didn't hear."

Aiden sighs and tells me that captain g told us to get down and out of there. We both make our way out of there."What do you think happened?" I ask Aiden. "I don't know." Aiden says with a sigh. He hated not knowing about things." Do you- do you think that Darius is going to make an alliance with werewolves?..." I choke out. Aiden looks at me widdened eyes.

When werewolves took over,many humans made places to stay and be protected from werewolves. But recently some of these places started making alliances with werewolves to have a bit for mobility and less worry about being attacked by werewolves. Werewolves started living with humans in places that were once there to protect us from those monsters.

"No." Aiden says. He would never be able to accept the fact that we have to live with werewolves.

Out of all the safe havens for humans, Darius is the one of the only places to yet make an alliance with werewolves. The reason being that everyone who lives here has a passionate hatred towards werewolves. Some people lost their homes,some their family and some their loved ones to those damned beasts. We all may have different reasons for being here but we all have one thing in common.

Hatred for werewolves. And that wasn't going to change.

I say bye to Aiden and head home wondering about what I tell my siblings. I reach home when I see my sister sitting in the kitchen with her elbows on the island in the middle.

"Lucas, you're here. Come sit down. Lucifer! Come here please." She says. She had a serious expression on her face instead of her usual stone cold face. I was worried.

Lucifer soon enters the kitchen and sits on a stool. I follow and sit down as well. "What happened is everything ok?" I ask immediately. Lucifer as looks at her with worry in his eyes.

"All though I am not sure whether this is true or not, I think we are going to form an alliance with the werewolves. I heard that the soon to be alpha came by to have a meeting with the president." She finishes.

Lucifer faces first turns shocked and then it turns to one of anger. I myself feel perplexed."what?" Lucifer asks. "Many of the captains are against this decision,myself included,but we have no say in the matter." She says. Just like what captain G told me and Aiden. "Although it is just a rumour." Lucy tells us.

"If it is true we have to leave." Lucifer says. Me and Lucy nod in agreement. "I think we should wait until the decision is finalised. It we'll be difficult to move immediately. The safe haven of Xers is the closest place near us which hasn't formed an alliance with werewolves." Lucy adds." And it will take us a week to reach Xers. We shouldn't make hasty decisions." I say. Both of them nod." Well that's all I had to say." Lucy says. Lucifer hums. Just as they are about to get up I say, " wait. I have to tell you guys something."

Lucy and Lucifer look at me and sit down. I know that I probably shouldn't tell them about the fact that my mate is a werewolf but I never have lied to them and i never will. I can't. I know they will figure out that I am lieing either way. And something stops me from lieing to them.

I take in a deep breath and begin" I saw my mate and... He is a werewolf." Both my siblings' eyes widen in shock. They look at eachother and then to me. After a few minutes of silence, my brother finally says "Ok." in a small voice. My sister nods. I know they want to tell me that I shouldn't think to much about it and reject him since humans won't die without their mates, they also know that I have been waiting for my mate for a long time. I have always told them that I would find my mate one day and finally settle somewhere and live happily.

" Anyone in the mood for pizza? I can make some." My sister says trying to fill in the silence. Me and my brother nod and she gets up to start cooking. Sometime after me and brother join her. The rest of the night goes as every other night for us and soon we go to sleep.

As I lie awake in bed. I think about my mate. Whether I can forgive him or if he is not like the other werewolves and doesn't want to harm other humans. I hope he doesn't hate humans, because as much as I hate werewolves,I have really looked forward to meeting my other half. I was willing to keep our differences aside for sometime and talk things out. If he was like the other wolfs and hated humans, I would cut things of. If he wasn't, then I would do all that I could to keep him with me. I would do whatever I could to make my siblings accept him.

As I lie awake looking at the ceiling of my room. I subconsciously touch my lips and wonder to myself about my mate. I wonder what his name is. What colour his eyes are. Does he have any family members. Siblings. What he likes to eat. How tall he is. My mind filled with thoughts about him. Then suddenly I wonder if I stopped hating werewolves so I think about one and my blood starts boiling. So I haven't stopped hating werewolves just because my mate is one. That's good news!

Soon I let the comfort of my bed engulf me and fall asleep.


1036 words! Woah!
Anyways and explanation about the humans having mates things.

So basically, all humans have a mate like werewolves. The only difference being that while werewolves would die without their mate and not even think about touching someone else after finding their mate, humans are not like that. They won't die because their mate rejected them and they can still sleep around after finding their mate. They would still harbour stronger romantic feelings towards their own mate but they can over come that. That's all, I hope you understood 😅

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See you at the next chapter!!

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