{Chapter 3} White butterfly

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Image of Lucas :>(or what I think he looks likes)
[soo after reading the previous chapter i realised that I didn't explain the humans having mates things very well. But I'll try too in the upcoming chapters! Or have an entire chapter just dedicated to it!
Alsoo to the small amount of people who read my brain rot story I hope you guys can vote it would mean a lot to me! Anyways on with the chapter!]

I wake up at 6 like every other morning. I go to the living room to see my brother washing the dishes.

"Morning!" I say as I go to brush my teeth. "Good morning Lucas." My brother replies. I know he has a smile on his face even if I can't see it.

"Lucy is out of the house and won't be back untill 8 at night. I don't know what happened all I know is the phone was ringing at 4 in the morning and all the captains had to immediately report to the HQ. Hell she even put on her uniform! It must be really important." He informs me. I peek into the living room with suprise. Lucy hates wearing her uniform.

"Mhmmmm..." I strech out skeptically causing my brother to laugh. "Sit down and eat breakfast idiot." He tells me. I nod and sit down to eat. I don't like listening to people give me orders but if it has something to do with food i will never say no.

I stuff my face with the pancakes my brother made."Delicious" I say before taking another bite. My brother looks at me with amused eyes. "What?" I ask him. "I thought you said my cooking sucked?" He tells me. "It does. But nobody can make pancakes wrong." I tell him. He scoffs and goes back to doing the dishes.

By the time I'm finished eating,my brother is already gone to sleep. I wash my plate before taking a bath and changing into a pair of greysweat pants and a full sleeved black coloured t-shirt with a white butterfly in the middle. I wear a pair of white sneakers before heading out the door and make my way to the HQ.

I reach by 6:30,not a minute late might I add,and enter the building.

I see Aiden and go to greet him. "Morning Aiden" i say as I sneak up behind him a thrown my hand over his shoulder. "Oh!Good morning bro!" Aiden replies in his always energetic voice." What's the schedule for today?" I ask him as we make our way to the center of HQ. " The higher ups said that we are going to recieve some training today." Aiden tells me. I look at him uncertainly. " Training? Are you sure? We literally completed our training by the time we were 16 and have been going on missions since then. What training could they give us now?" I ask him. "I don't know man. I asked the same thing to captain G and he told me to just wait and see." He tells me with a frown. I sigh and continue our walk.

We reach the center after sometime where we see Shea and Shulli,two other friends of ours. "Hey guys!" Shulli says as soon as she sees us." Brooooo. Shea and Shulli look so pretty today-" "with their dark chocolate skin? curly black hair? Shea with her blue eyes and Shulli with her amber ones?" I complete for him. Aiden has a thing for the pair of twins. His face turns red as he looks away from me. I had heard him say it many times over the years I have known him, and when I tell you that I am annoyed,it is an understatement.I shake my head as we walk over to the twins.

We all chat for a while before leaving. While me and Aiden had completed our training courses as fast as we could to kill werewolves, Shea and Shulli took their time, meaning they where still going through their training but they would officially be able to join us by next week. Needless to say, Aiden was ecstatic.

We head on over to the auditorium where there were already a bunch of people seated. Me and Aiden took a seat near the edge of the row two seats behind the middle seat. And soon what ever training they wanted us to do began.

Captain Michael entered the stage of the auditorium and began "soldiers,many of you assembled here have already completed your trainings so you all must be wondering why we have gathered you here. The training you guys will be receiving is not one to harm werewolves but this time to protect them."

Everyone goes quiet and soon a roar of anger erupts from the crowd. While Aiden was shouting with the others i sat in my seat in shock. I slowly looked towards the other captains standing at the back of the stage and saw my sister. She was biting down on her lip as if to suppress a scream. When she caught my eyes she quickly looked away while I continued to look at her, when she looked back at me all I could see in her eyes were so many emotions that even i couldn't begin to comprehend. There seemed to be so much frustration,anger, disappointment behind her brown eyes, yet somewhere I know I saw a glimmer of peace in them, as if somewhat happy to finally try and end the war.

"SILENCE!" captain Michael shouted, quieting everyone down.He went on to explain why we had to explain protect our enemies. Apparently the soon to be alpha was coming by to try and strike up a deal. Since there was going to be many attacks from neighbouring safe havens,we had to stand on guard because making the soon to be alpha mad would only cause harm to us. I only payed attentionto half of captain Michael's explanation. I knew Lucy would tell me about it as soon as we got out. I was still unable to comprehend what was said.

We had to protect werewolves?
The same werewolves who killed our people?
The werewolves who wanted to kill us?
The savages who rip of our heads and display it like trophys outside of their cities?
Those werewolves?

I am certain captain Michael did a good job explaining what we had to do because even Aiden listened.

Soon we were dispersed. As me and Aiden stepped I told him that I was going somewhere and that I will catch up with him later. By the look in his eyes I could tell he knew I was going to go see my sister so he just nodded,gave me a small smile,waved and left.

I walked from the auditorium to the the stairs. The captains' office's were on the 3rd floor but before I could even begin my climb up the stairs I voice called out to me," Lucas!" I recognised it immediately and turned around seeing my sister. She grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me into a hug. I squeezed her back in return before asking her, "Why?"

She looked at me with the same eyes filled with emotions. "We have to Lucas. If someone attacks while the werewolves are here, they will definitely get mad and end up destroying Darius." She told me, her hands till on my shoulders. I nodded with my lips in a tight line. She smiled. Happy to know I understood. " You better get going your training is going to start in half an hour." She said. She gave my shoulders a small squeeze before giving a small push to get me going to the training grounds. We would have training for 2 weeks.

My lips were till in a tight line. I tried hiding whatever emotion that was behind my eyes.

She didn't answer my question.

Chapter 3 stands with 1336 words! I wonder what Lucy didn't tell Lucas🤔
I hope you are just as curious as me to find out about it in the next chapter!
Or not. Lol

Vote if you want(I'm begging you 🥺) comment if like and definitely enjoy!

See you guys on the 15th since I got my final exams!!
I wonder why I started writing this during my exams.
Oh well.

See you all at the next chapter!!

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