{Chapter 7} A joke

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I wake up in the HQ hospital.

My memory is a bit fuzzy but I still remember what happened.

That stupid son of a bitch. I swear I will kill him when I get the chance.

I look around and see the room is empty. That's strange why aren't my siblings here?

I see I'm still wearing my clothes from earlier.

While I feel disgusted because I reek I am grateful they didn't go changing my clothes. Like who would like to be naked infront a random people while your unconscious?

I look at my arms and legs to see if I gained any injury. Seeing as I didn't i touch my head as well.

Nothing there as well. I must have just passed out.

I would have gotten up and left but knowing how the nurses are, I stay in the bed.

It isn't uncommon for me to make trips to the hospital. Sometimes it's me and others a commrade.

I remember one time I got admitted and when I woke up I didn't see anyone so I just left.

When the nurses found out they gave me hell.

I think back to what happened at the field. How long has it been? A day? A few hours? I am not new to having been knocked out by werewolves but I usually regain consciousness by 2 hours but since it was the future alpha who knocked me out I must have been out longer.

But how long? Half a day or one full day? Or was it just by a few more hours?

I hear the room of the door opening.

I see my sister enter as she chatted with my brother.

"I hope he is ok. I swear I'll kill that mutt when I get the chance!"

"Count me in. No way he gets to leave like that after hurting our brother."

Lucifer and Lucy enter.

Lucy was holding a basket of cookies while Lucifer was holding blue hydrangeas.

"Hey why does it look like you guys came to attend my funeral??"
I ask. I mean seriously! They were wearing black and had flowers as if I was dead and they came to pay their last respects.

"Lucas!" My brother said as he rushed over and hugged me.

"Oh thank god your awake!" My sister said as she came over as well.

"Hey don't ignore my question!" I reply still trapped in my brother's hug.

"The flowers are for the vase to make the room feel brighter when you wake up and the cookies if you were feeling hungry," she says as she picked up one and put it near my mouth.

I eat it as my brother goes one saying,

"You know how worried we were?! You were asleep for 3 days!"

"Hold up! Three days?!" I say as soon as I finish eating the cookies.

My siblings nod in unison.

"Then what about he announcement?!" Did Darius Ally with the werewolves?!

"It was delayed." Lucifer says.
"It's going to be announced in an hour actually."

"What?" I asked dumbly.

Did the future alpha delay the announcement because he knew I would be unconscious for 3 days?

Wait what am I thinking?!

"We don't know what happened but the werewolves said that the announcement would have to be delayed by 3 days because of some issues on their part." My sister said as she gave me the basket of cookies.

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