{Chapter 6} Picnic

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We enter and the first thing Lucifer says to us is whether Darius is going to ally with the werewolves and if we will have to move to Xers.

Lucy and I tell him that we don't know and everyone will find out in 2 days.

We both go change as Lucifer prepares dinner and we plan on what we are going to do on the weekend.

And now it is time for the moment I dreaded. Telling my brother that my mate is the future alpha of the werewolves.

Lucy kept side eyeing me during dinner so it didn't take long for Lucifer to Speak up and ask what was wrong.

"So, I found out who my mate is," I start.

"Oh, so who is it?"

Great he doesn't sound enthusiastic. Well, I didn't expect him to sound happy, but with how he said it, I think he might flip the table when I tell him who it is.

When the werewolves attacked us, me and Lucy weren't nearby. Lucifer was. He was with our parents and he had to see them being ripped to shreds right in front of him. Me and Lucy only saw their dead bodies and the sight of the fields we used to live in being burned down. He had to see their lives fade from their eyes and be in the fire. We all had it hard but the trauma Lucifer got from that day hasn't left him. He once told me about how it was. He was waiting for us to come back as he sat with our parents and then suddenly werewolves barged in and started to strangle Mother. Father tried to stop them but he failed and the other werewolf attacked him. He was just 16. He could do nothing but sit there in shock as he saw the werewolves tear our parents' limbs and how they ripped out every muscle and every bit of skin on them, how he could see their insides, how a werewolf ate a part of Father's arm. He told me how he just felt numb. No anger, no sadness, just numbness. He wakes up still to this day due to nightmares plaguing his sleep.

And the fact that I thought that maybe things could work out between me and the future alpha just made me more guilty.

"It's the future alpha," I say in a small voice.

Lucifer doesn't say anything as if still trying to register what I said to him.

"Oh." That is all he says after 2 minutes of silence. The look on his face tells me that he still doesn't understand what I said to him.

"But-! I don't plan on meeting him! I don't want anything to do with him!" I say. I regret telling my siblings about this. I know maybe it would have been better if I never said anything to them and kept it all a secret but I have never lied to them. For the years we suffered it was better not to lie to each other. Keeping secrets would bring more harm.

My sister and brother both manage a nod and a small smile that doesn't reach their eyes. I had always told them about how I wished to meet my forever one more than anything and leave with them and go someplace far away. Away from the war. But it turns out they are the ones who helped start the war.

"Lucas, why don't you call HQ and tell them we both are taking the day off tomorrow? We all can go visit the little pond and have a small picnic," Lucy says.

I know she said that so I could leave the table.

I nod and get up and make my way to the phone where I dial HQ.

The conversation is short, they let me and Lucy have the leave.

I tell them on the phone. Lucy nods at me and both go back to discussing whatever they were talking about it. By the looks on their faces, I can tell it's a heavy topic and for some reason, I feel as if I am not welcome at the table so I just leave and go to my room and hide in my covers.

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