{Chapter 8} Visitors

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Lucinda and Lucifer hate me.

They hate me. My siblings hate me.

And It's all that werewolf's fault.

He did it to make me suffer.

If someone finds out that I'm his mate they will kill me.

I lived in Darius for almost 8 years I know how people operate here. They get a chance to harm the mutts and they will take it. It doesn't matter if someone dies in the process. I have seen it happen so many times. I tried to stop them but I couldn't. The people had been so broken that they became self-destructive. It stopped mattering to them about who got hurt after a while, Be it them or someone they never knew, they just wanted those mutts to feel just a bit of their pain. So when the mutts' future alpha's mate is right within their hands why wouldn't they take the chance? Everyone knows that werewolves' mates are important to them. They knew killing me would hurt the future alpha whether he cared for me or not.

And I don't even know whether my siblings would protect me.

I feel even worse than last night.

And to top it off I have a splitting headache.

I call for the nurse and ask her to bring me some tea to help me sleep.

"Heyyyyyy!!" I hear a familiar voice enter my room.

I stop my mopping and look towards the door.

"Aiden?" I asked with a small smile.

"Yup! It's your best buddy! Here to give you moral support while you stay at the hospital!" He entered and sat next to my bed. "what's up? You seem down." He asked worried.

"I just feel down.." I answer unsure of how I explain my feelings to him.

"Is it the news? Don't worry about that for now. You should focus on getting better." He told.

I smile looking away from him.

"I don't understand how you feel right now but I want to tell you that instead of worrying about something you can do nothing about now you should focus on what you CAN do. Right now the only thing you can do is get better. So focus on that!" He started telling me how to feel better about myself and other philosophical stuff trying to make me feel better.

I ended up bursting out laughing.

"Dude, how many self-care books did you read?" I asked.

"Hey! I'm trying to make you feel better!..... Also around 10?" He said as he broke out laughing as well.

"Where did you even find 10 books?"

"You'll be surprised by the amount of books Captain G has. And how many of those are self-care books." He said as our laughter quietened.

"I never knew Captain G had such a side to him. I always thought of him as a man who would be punching way in the gym rather than read books on how to become a better person." I said to him.

"Captain G is a much softer person. I know for a fact he prefers to read than to train until he faints."

Aiden and I ended up talking for a while.

"Hey Aiden how did you get in?" I asked him when I realized that no one told me about his arrival.

"If you're wondering whether I got an appointment, then no I did not. I kinda just barged in after I learned that you were in the hospital. Although it was a battle I fought with the nurses to allow my entry I have arrived." He said as he twirled and made dramatic hand gestures.

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