why the sudden change? |007

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The room starts to spin and I grab onto Holden to keep my balance. I start to feel the side effects of the alcohol I chugged. Which is weird because I didn't even drink that much. Maybe equivalent to 3 shots.

"It's because you are in transition. Your body is weaker to the effects of alcohol." Holden grabs my arm and holds my back as he helps me to his bed.

I don't fully lay down because I know I'll just feel worse if I do.

"Here let me get you some blood. It should help."  He walks to his mini fridge next to his bed stand and grabs a bag of blood and pours it into a glass.

He hands it to me and I look up to him and he looks at me with reassuring eyes. I sip from the glass feeling my stomach warm. I look up at him and at this point his eyes are an ocean blue.

"How come your eyes change color so much" I ask while licking the blood off my lips.

He sits down next to me and smiles shyly.

"My eyes change color depending on how I'm feeling."

"That's really cool. I wish my eyes did that." He smiles and stares deeper into my eyes. He scans my face analyzing every detail.

"I can't read you." I tell him. He looks back at my eyes with a confused look.

"What do you mean."

"You were so rude and arrogant when I first got here. And now... I don't know you, just seem... different, softer." I pause for a moment.

"It's just weird cause I got here yesterday. It's only been one day yet I feel like I've know you for so long which isn't possible."

"Yeah." He stands up like he's nervous and walks away towards the far left body length window. He's leaning on the wall with his left arm up.

I get up to stand next to him, wrapping a blanket around me because it's still freezing in his room. I look up at him and he looks down at me.

All off a sudden my vision goes blurry and I start to tilt until everything goes black

"Fuck" I hear someone say under their breath.

"She's almost done with her transition."

"Ow, shit she's doing that thing again. I can't touch her."

I'm going in and out of consciousness at this point. I feel someone pick me up.


The next two chapters are going to be short. But I hope you like!!!!!!!

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