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Season One : Episode Two
'Slave Labour'

"So not only are we not going to Paris, we're spending our Sundays scrubbing Fionnula's fish hole for free."

Lara followed behind her sister and Michelle with her hands filled with cleaning supplies, dropping them all on the other side of the counter and grabbing one of the tacky blue aprons left for them.

"Aigh, and she'll be back from yoga soon so get a shift on."

"It's slave labour Erin."

Lara sent a glare her sisters way, she didn't even want to go to Paris, she had no clue what had happened still and she hadn't done anything to deserve the hell she was being thrown into.

"It's worse than slave labour, we're not even getting paid."

She looked her cousins way, braincells actually melting as she dropped the bottles she was trying to sort out.
That may have been the last straw.

"Look, mammy had to cut some sort of deal."

Lara slammed a bottle of lemon-y spray in Orla's direction, the older girl flinching ever so slightly as she did so.
Why was Erin acting so self righteous ?!

"Would living without fried food really be so bad ?"

The whole group stopped at James mutter, slowly turning to look at the English guy. Finally Lara could glare at him without getting questioned by someone or the other.

"Yes !"

"She wouldn't actually have banned us she was bluffing."
Michelle took off the attention from her cousin, her eye roll and smarmy comment causing panic after being corrected by Clare.

"She was not bluffing Michelle. Didn't she ban the McGuigan twins ?"

"Seriously ?"

"Sure, that's why they lost all the weight."

For once Orla was making sense, Lara didn't know whether to be more scared of that or of dropping three more sizes. Unlike the McGuigan twins, there wasn't that much of her to begin with.

She turned to her curly haired friend with a look of horror,
"I'm only a size 6... I'd have to buy a whole new wardrobe. Michelle I don't have that kinda money just lying around !"

"Right girls no dicking about."
The more boisterous of the group jumped up onto the counter with her little speech in hand, grabbing an apron off her blonde friend before trying it around her waist.
"We need to leave this place spotless."

Lara dropped herself onto the floor, flicking a little plastic bag away from her once she was situated.
"I don't think I can carry on girls."

When she noticed her sister had stopped, Erin paused too. The older blonde looked around as she did so, her face going pale. Well paler than usual.
"It's still sticky. How is it still sticky ? Is it worse than when we started ?"

"Huh?" Lara pealed her eyes open to look in Erin's direction, finding the girl to be having some sort of crisis moment. She glanced around the chip shop before nodding, "I think it might be. Yeah, yeah it is ."

𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐆𝐄 𝐊𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐒     •     DERRY GIRLSМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя