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Season One : Episode Three
'Breakfast with the Quinns'

Lara looked up from her magazine to see her sister still staring at the wooden picture frame off her bedside table, well the picture in the frame.

"I just can't get my head around it, the fact that he's gone forever."

"It is so sad, it really is. It is so, so sad but at the same time what's done is done so like, let's crack on."

A rattle of a can drew Erin's attention away from the framed photo of the sister's and Orla's grandda with the family dog, a scowl on her face.

"Oh I'm sorry Clare, has his sudden tragic death interrupted your studies ?"

"Well it has a bit actually, yeah."

"How could you be so heartless ?"

Lara held herself back from rolling her eyes, dragging them back to the open page of Vogue, a new Channel poster for her to put in her room later.

"Don't cry Erin, he's in a better place now."

"Unless he's not. Y'know, because unless he's gone to hell."

The younger Quinn chimed up after her cousin, an amused smile on her lips as she carried on flicking through the pages.

"Can we please talk about something else? I'm half torn and this is wrecking my head ."

"What ? Have you been drinking ?!"

"Yes, I have. And for future reference, if any of you invite me to a study sleepover again and I'm desperate enough to accept that invitation, there's a good chance I have a litre bottle of Pernod in my bag."

The curly hair girl in an oversized hockey top reached over to her bag, dragging out the large green glass bottle and flicking the lid off to take another swig. Erin cringing at the action before she turned back on her crocodile tears. Lara assumed they were crocodile tears at this point, there was only so much someone could cry before it just became attention seeking, especially with someone like Erin who couldn't live without a spotlight on herself.

"I shouldn't even have to did the exam you know, on compassion grounds."

Lara let out a scoff, finally closing her Vogue and scowling at her sister.
"He was a dog Erin."

"Toto was much more than a dog ! Toto was my bestfriend."
The older girl clutched the picture to her pyjama clad chest. Her sister leaning backwards against the chest of draws with an eyebrow raised humorously

"That's not something to be proud of."

"That is a bit sad Erin."
Clare chimed in before swigging another mouthful of the light blue can in her hand.

"Christ, I feel a bit bokey."

Michelle pushed herself off the floor, whipping the curtains of Erin's bedroom open and pushing the window slightly to get some fresh air in the teenage filled room.

The light that started blinding the six of them ultimately sending the small Clare into a frenzy.

"Sweet suffering Jesus ! It's the morning already. What are we going to do ?!"

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