Chapter One - Bandit

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I stumbled wildly through the thick foliage, crying out in fear. My pursuers were getting closer as I ran, hitting trees as I went along.

The sound of voices made me hone in on them, praying for someone who could help. When I was close enough, I started screaming for someone to help me.

The voices stopped but I continued in a straight line, not pausing for a second.

Suddenly I broke through a line of trees and ended up in a small clearing with tents scattered around.

I fell to my knees ahead of the trees and cried out for help again. At that moment, the pair following me also broke through the trees and they immediately fell as someone shot them down.

I gasped out a thanks before collapsing on the ground and passing out.


When I woke up, I found myself staring into curious dark blue eyes. On instinct I flinched and scooted away awkwardly, wrapping my arms around my knees in a sitting position.

"You're awake," A deep male voice said, surprise hidden in his voice.

"Where am I?" I asked, allowing myself to sound scared.

"Relax," He chuckled, "You're safe." The man drew back and I was faced with an older male, with greying hair and a forced smile. "What's your name, love?"

I hesitated before whispering the most generic name I could think of. "Jane."

"Well, Jane," The man repeated, rubbing at his slight stubble thoughtfully, "Are you alone?"

I shook my head in answer. "My sisters are out there. I have to get back to them." I stood up quickly almost bumping my head on the top of a small makeshift tent that I hadn't realised I was in.

"Hold on there," The man said, holding out him arm as a way of stopping me from leaving.

In one swift movement, I reached for my knife and held it defensively in front of myself. He got the message and backed off.

"So," I began curiously, "What kind of weapons do you and your group have?"

The man, not suspecting anything suspicious, answered swiftly. "Not much. Just things we've picked up here and there." He lifted a large rifle and showed it to me, "This is probably our most powerful weapon."

"Ah," I smiled, "All I need is my knife."

He nodded and turned away, bending down to pick something up.

With the handle of my knife, I slammed it hard on the back of the man's head, feeling slightly guilty. He fell and I picked his gun up off the floor and then did a quick sweep of the tent, picking up anything useful and shoving it into my backpack. Carefully, I shook out my hair and made sure it covered most of my face and then I tumbled out of the tent and ran past all the frozen survivors who didn't make a move to stop me.


I let out a whistle that sounded like a bird call and heard one echo mine. I followed it, silently smiling to myself.

"Shay?" I heard my best friend whisper.

"Yeah, Ava, it's me," I answered, pausing in my steady walking and out from the thick foliage of the willow tree appeared my two companions.

Ava's warm brown eyes widened slightly at the large gun I was carrying but she quickly shook the emotion and ran a hand through her short blonde hair.

"More?" Ava muttered coldly. I narrowed my eyes at her and was about to say something until a voice made me grin.

"Shay!" Zoey squealed happily, wrapping her tiny arms around my waist, burying her face in my shirt, "I missed you."

"I missed you too," I murmured, resting my free hand on her blonde hair, tied tightly into a ponytail.

When Zoey released me I glanced back at Ava's hardened face.

"Ava..." I began sadly.

"Shayde," She replied, cutting me off, "When are you going to stop this? We aren't bandits."

"We never were!" I said quickly, "All I've been doing is making sure we survive!"

"By making sure others don't?"

"Look," I sighed, "I found a place that seems pretty safe. That might take us in. I was just going to ask if that was alright with you."

Ava's face warmed at that and she almost smiled at me.

"That's what I've been waiting for."

I gave her a small smile in return and grabbed Zoey's tiny little hand. And for the first time since Darius left, I felt hope.



Sorry for making you guys wait!

Hope you enjoy! <3

Much love,



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