Chapter Eighteen - Fly Away

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"What if they're watching the helicopter?" Felix murmured quietly as he checked to make sure he had extra ammo for his gun.

"We run faster and kill quicker," Marth muttered. I heard a loud smack from behind me and Marth let out a cry of pain.

"They won't be," Ike reassured, glaring daggers at Marth.

I reached over and patted Darius gently on his uninjured arm. "You okay to do this?" I whispered in a low voice.

He rolled his eyes and grinned at me. I sighed, taking that as an answer. Readjusting my finger to be perfectly on the trigger of my gun, I stood up, trying to keep low and jogged across the back yard of the house. A pristine white fence surrounded the property which I pulled myself over quickly, landing lightly on the balls of my feet.

A zombie on my left started bounding towards me almost immediately. I resisted the urge to throw up from the stench and unsheathed my knife. I swung my knife quickly, sinking it into the approaching enemy's temple. As it fell to the ground, I gripped my knife tighter and pulled it out.

I stepped away from the fallen body and crouched down, waiting for everyone else to climb over the fence. From my position I could see the large building of the school.

"It's getting dark," I mumbled to myself, glancing up towards the sun.

"Gonna be hard to fly-," Felix began before he paused, confusion showing on his face, "Do we even know how to fly the damn thing?"

"I... Never even crossed my mind," I muttered.

"The Legends were very versatile. Marth and I can handle it," Ike answered Felix quickly.

"In the dark?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.


With a hand gesture, I stooped low and jogged closer to the school, trying to make sure I was out of sight.

"This seems way too easy," I murmured.

"Agreed," Oliver answered me, giving me a grim look, "I have a really bad feeling."

Surrounding the yard of the school was a simple metal fence that I scaled, followed closely by Oliver. I watched silently as everyone else followed suit.

"Again, way too easy," I repeated. I glanced around slowly, looking for any sign of The Legends. In one of the windows of the school building, an odd shape caught my attention. The shape reminded me of a silhouette.

"Wait," I realised, "GET DOWN!"

Shots started ringing out and I heard someone cry out in pain.

"RUN!" I cried, pointing in the direction of a tiny building on the edge of the school yard. Everyone took off at once except for Winter who was leaning against the fence with a look of pure agony in her eyes.

"You have to lean on me now, Winter. We're being shot at from a window. We will die unless you get up right now," I ordered roughly, already beginning to pick her up off the floor and draping one of her arms around my shoulders. She whimpered and I gritted my teeth before sprinting off in the direction of everyone.

"LAY SOME DAMN COVERFIRE, YOU MORONS," I screamed at them. Ike and Marth immediately kneeled and pointed theirs guns at the sniper. They both began shooting at random.

"Keep his head down!" Darius yelled, shooting his gun aswell.

I felt a bullet fly by my ear and immediately dived into the nearby cover of the metal building.

"More fucking snipers now," Oliver snarled, snatching Winter from my grip. He ripped off one of his sleeves, giving him an odd look, and wrapping it tightly around Winter's thigh, trying to stop the bleeding.

"How do we get to the helicopter now?" Felix asked, "It's right nearby but we'll get shot before we reach it."

"I don't know," I snapped at him, regretting it instantly when I saw his hurt expression.

Oliver suddenly grabbed my hand and placed someone in it. He closed my fingers around it.

"When I run out there, I'll take as many out as I can. You guys go for the chopper," He said quickly, exchanging his crossbow for a long range gun.

"What?" I murmured in surprise.

"Oh, what the fuck is wrong with these people," Marth suddenly exploded, "Instead of killing the damn kids..."

My thoughts immediately went to Ethan and Kate and Oliver took my distraction to run out into the open.

"Oliver!" I cried after him, reaching to pull him back to safety. Hands gripped my shoulders and held me in place and Oliver aimed and shot at a rapid pace.

"We're going," Marth muttered, pulling me along roughly towards the helicopter. I was aware of some bullets that were suddenly directed at Marth and I, but Marth put his body in between the snipers and I.

"SHAY," I heard Oliver call desperately. I could see him finally downed, blood staining him, making him almost unrecognisable. Behind him, towards the school, I could see hordes of zombies pouring out into the yard. From this distance I couldn't be sure, but it looked like Ethan was leading the pack, hungry eyes focused on Oliver.

Oliver called out again and pointed to his head.

"He doesn't want to turn," Marth murmured, slowing down.

I raised my gun and aimed at Oliver, holding back my tears. I heard the shot echo and I sprinted ahead of Marth and dived into the helicopter. Marth piled in after me and immediately went for the controls, flicking switches. A low humming started and the blades of the helicopter began spinning. Marth handed me a box of headphones and I placed one pair on my head.

Everyone else started pouring into the helicopter, casting scared looks towards the school. I handed each of them headphones and we all took aim, keeping the hordes at a distance while the helicopter started up.

Suddenly I felt an odd jerk and almost fell out of the helicopter as it took off and on top of the school, I could see a figure standing there, looking defeated until he grew too small to see anymore.


Okay. I know. I haven't uploaded in FOREVER. And then I upload this? I know you must be disappointed. Honestly, the beginning of this chapter is alright... THE MIDDLE IS TERRIBLE. I CAN'T BELIEVE I WROTE IT. But I feel the end sorta made up for it. I just really felt like I needed to get a chapter up. Hopefully I can upload the next chapter a bit quicker.

Much love,



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