Chapter Two - Don't Shoot

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"Stay behind me," I whispered to Zoey as I tied my black hair into a messy bun, "You too, Ava."

Ava rolled her eyes and walked ahead of me. "I don't need your protection," She grumpily, but I heard the humour in her voice.

"Be careful," I called, rushing ahead to her side, gripping my gun closer to my body.

"What's the worst they could do? Shoot us?" Ava joked.

"And where would that leave Zoey?" I muttered in slight annoyance. Ava sighed and didn't reply.

I did a quick glance around and studied the abandoned streets around us. We hadn't been in a town for so long, much preferring the privacy of the forests. We ignored the dead wandering in and out of houses and remained in the middle of the road. At the very end of the road was a large wall, almost like a castle, just smaller. On top of the wall, I could see someone patrolling, holding a gun loosely.

"Zoey, hold my gun, okay?" I murmured quietly, handing the heavy thing to her. She wrapped her tiny arms around it and attempted to keep it from dragging along the floor. "Ava, please. I don't want us to seem threatening. Get behind me."

I heard Ava give another sigh but her footsteps slowed and she was no longer next to me.

As we approached, I watched as the man on top of the wall finally noticed us and he aimed his gun. He hesitated for a second, seeming to recognise us as human, but unfamiliar. We were a couple of metres from the wall when he called out.

"That's far enough."

"Please," I said, letting my voice carry to him, holding up my hands in a sign of surrender.

"Who are you?" He replied, not moving his gun in the slightest.

I was about to reply when I heard Zoey's voice from behind me.

"We need a place to stay," She said timidly. With a swift movement, I pushed her back behind me, out of view. The man regarded us silently for a few long moments.

"How old is she?" He finally said, voice sounding less harsh.

"Nine," I answered quickly. I watched as his gun lowered the tiniest bit until something from behind him caught his attention. He turned, almost completely forgetting about us on the other side of the wall and I frowned. All I heard were mumbles of a conversation and then the man swung around to face us.

"Okay," He sighed, lowering his gun all the way and giving us a short nod.

"What?" I answered in reply.

"You can come in."

I turned to Ava who gave me a warm smile which I returned.

"Finally," She whispered.


"What are your names?" The man asked as he leaned against the wall of a house we had been led into.

"My name is Shayde," I began cautiously, "And this is Ava and Zoey," I continued, gesturing to both.

"My name is Walter, it's nice to meet you all," He answered with a forced smile and ran a hand through his greying black hair. "Why are you girls on your own? You look a little young..."

I glared at him and opened my mouth to bite back until pressure on my back made me stop.

"Things happened. We've been laying low for a few months now, out in the woods," Ava answered swiftly.

"Woods, hey?" Walter echoed, letting surprise seep into his tone. Ava nodded and Walter studied us for a few moments.

At that moment, the door to our left opened and in entered a woman, a few years younger than Walter, with short wavy brown hair and hallowed cheeks. She also had a large swollen belly. I heard Zoey give an excited gasp and the woman seemed to notice us for the first time. She immediately wrapped her arms protectively around her stomach and sidestepped closer to Walter.

"Wally," She began, "Please, join the festivities."

"Soon Mel. I'm just..."

The woman, Mel, raised her hand, cutting him off. "Let them join us," She said, smiling the three of us.


"Wally, don't," She teased, "Come!" She said, gesturing with her hands for us to follow her. Uncertainly, I took a step forward and hesitated. Mel gave another smile and started to turn away. Walter followed closely behind her and I paused for another moment before going after them.

As I stepped outside, I heard something I hadn't heard for a very long time. Music. And then a voice started singing a song I recognised and loved.

Hey there Delilah,

What's it like in New York City?

I'm a thousand miles away,

But girl, tonight you look so pretty,

Yes you do,

Times Square can't shine as bright as you,

I swear it's true...


Finally <3 And if you don't know the song, it's "Hey There Delilah" by the Plain White T's. (On the side.) It's beautiful! <3 Sorry if it's boring so far. Just trying to set up the new setting and characters! :) Bear with me! :D

Much love,



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