Chapter Seven - Attacked

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Dedicated to this amazing person for the absolutely stunning cover she made me from this book! AAHH! Fan and give love ASAP!

When we were close to the giant walls of Walter's fortress, Ava stirred in Oliver's arms.

"Ava? Honey?" I murmured, "Open your eyes."

She let out a moan and then her eyes flew open and she started frantically spinning out of Oliver's arms, catching him in the eye with her fist.

"Ow," He mumbled, letting her go. I quickly shoved Zoey into Oliver's chest and pounced on Ava. She was thrashing on the ground, screaming at me.

"Ava!" I muttered, holding her to the floor, "Calm down!"

Seeing no exit, she started sobbing. "Please," She begged.

"Ava, it's me! Shayde. I'm not going to hurt you."

Ava was hysterical for a few full minutes. When she stopped fighting, I climbed off her and she sat up shakily.

"I'm sorry," She whispered, wrapping her arms around her knees.

"What happened?" I urged, kneeling down to her level.

She shook her head and stood up suddenly. "Let's go?"

I eyed her carefully and decided to let it go for the moment. I reached out my arms towards Oliver who handed me Zoey immediately and we took off towards the wall we could see in this distance.


"Hello?!" Oliver called when we reached the gate. He was silent for a moment until he turned back to me wildly. "Something's wrong," He declared.

"I doubt it," I replied, "There's probably just no guard."

"You don't understand. There's ALWAYS a guard."

Before I could answer, Oliver had already begun to scale the wall. When he reached the top, he paused for a moment and the gate before us started opening. Still holding Zoey, Ava and I quickly entered under the still opening gate and hesitated.

"See? No one's here," Oliver said, an odd tone in his voice.

"That's impossible," I muttered in disbelief. "But-"

Then I was cut off by a loud thump and Oliver's body hit the floor. Ava was suddenly snatched away from me and Zoey was removed from my arms. I felt someone grab my wrists and pull them behind me and I came face to face with someone I hadn't expected to run into. His face had that scar that I just couldn't forget.


"Shayde, I was wondering when we would run into each other again," He said, giving me a twisted smile.

"You brought an army this time," I murmured, cocking my head to the side.

"True. Couldn't have you getting away," His smile never faded and I glanced over his shoulder to see a large truck backing up into town. Two people dressed in black, ran to the back of the truck and pushed the roller door open. Zombies started spilling out and I couldn't help but stiffen. I tried to remember the last time I'd even saw a zombie and I was surprised to figure it was a while ago.

"What are you doing?!" I cried, trying to fight the person holding me back.

"We know this town's escape plan. Run to the cars on the other side of town. We're making sure no one escapes any other way and to kill off the weak," Vet answered seriously.

"That's fucked up," I hissed.

"Shayde, come on, I know you've missed me," He teased.

Gritting my teeth, I spat on the ground in front of him. Vet's smile vanished and his eyes narrowed.

"Maybe you didn't miss me..." Vet said slowly, "But I imagine you miss your boyfriend?"

With a swift movement, I knocked away the hands holding me and leapt at Vet.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?!" I screamed, ripped my knife out of its holster and advancing quickly on Vet.

Then a large blade came flying out of nowhere and stopped quickly to avoid my head being removed from the rest of my body.

"We did nothing to him," Vet grinned, "Right, Mina?"

"That's right," I heard Mina say happily.

"And if you come quietly, it will remain that way," Vet threatened quietly. I glared at him for a second before throwing my knife aside and bowing my head.

"Good girl," I heard him say before someone pressed a soaked handkerchief to my mouth and I inhaled, immediately blacking out.


I felt my cheek stinging and when I opened my eyes, Ava was staring at me with her hand raised to hit me again.

"Thanks for the wakeup call, Ava," I muttered, pulling into a sitting position on the floor, which was constantly swaying from side to side. "Where are we?"

"In the back of a truck," Ava replied slowly, "Going to their base."

I looked around and couldn't help a familiar feeling creep up on me.

"Looks like a moving van," I observed.

"Like that matters," Ava snapped back.

In the corner of the van, I was surprised to see Ava and I weren't the only occupants. Walter was slouched, leaning against the wall.

"Why are his arms covered in blood?" I whispered to Ava, eyes on his red hands.

"Look at what's in his arms," Ava murmured back, a sympathetic look on her face.

I peeked around and through a gap in his arms, I said a tiny, tiny person.

"Melanie?" I gasped.

"She didn't make it," Ava sighed.

"Where's Zoey? And Oliver?" I quickly questioned, brushing some strands of my hair away.

"Not sure," Ava answered truthfully, "Maybe in another truck?"

We both fell silent at that, our eyes on Walter and the small baby in his arms. Eventually, the truck pulled to a stop and the roller door was pushed up. I was immediately blinded by sunlight streaming in. Even Walter glanced up.

"Welcome," I heard Vet's voice call, "To The Legends."



Much love,



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