Chapter Twenty - Celia

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"NO!" I cried in shock, staring in disbelief as the zombie chewed on my leg. I was just about to use my hands in order to pry the zombie away when an arrow, similar to Oliver's crossbow bolts, flew through the air and skewered the zombie through its head. The arrow was long and sharp.

I looked in the direction of the arrow and watched as a girl sprinted down the sand. In one hand she held a dangerous looking bow. In the other she held a long machete. My mouth fell open as she basically clotheslined a zombie and continued running. The zombies head fell away from its body slowly and the girl paid no notice. She threw her bow to the side and tackled the zombie that was hovering over Marth. He watched in surprise and she swiftly took it out.

She seemed to say something to Marth, gesturing in my direction. He glanced in my direction, shock written all over his face. In the next second, he appeared at my side and crouched down.

"Oh fuck, what did you do?" He muttered, staring at my leg.

"No time for questions!" The strange girl hissed, almost materialising next to Marth, "We must act quickly!"

"WE DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO YOU ARE?!" Marth suddenly yelled, blocking her view of me somewhat protectively.

"I just saved your life. I saved hers also. Follow me and she might just survive," The girl ordered before dashing to pick up her bow, casually taking out a few zombies on her way.

"She's more badass than you," I whispered to Marth, who shot me an angry look.

"Mind if I pick you up?" He asked sheepishly.

"I'd rather walk," I muttered. He rolled his eyes and picked me up, carrying me bridal style.

The girl, who seemed to teleport around, appeared where the sand of the beach met the thick foliage of the forest. Marth turned for a second to watch Ike pick up Winter and jog after us.

"Where are Darius and Felix?" I wondered out loud.

"No clue. When we woke up, they weren't there," Ike answered me, concern in his voice.

"Keep up!" Called the girl before she started running straight ahead, dodging trees blindly. Marth and Ike glanced at each other in surprise but took off after her.

"Not fair! We're carrying the injured. You slow down!" Marth yelled jokingly. The girls laughter echoed around the trees.

I sighed and winced in pain as my leg hit a tree. Marth apologized but kept running wildly.

For a moment my vision seemed to almost black out until I shook myself out of it. Realisation slowly dawned on me and I tried to struggle my way out of Marth's arms.

"Marth. Put me down. I'm not safe. I could turn any moment."

"No can do," He said with a smirk, "Woah." Marth's face lit up in wonder as he stared up.

Somewhat weakly, I looked up too and gasped. Across the treetops were a maze of bridge that connected platforms and small tree houses.

"You like it?" The girl said, looking at me with her dark, brown eyes.

"It's amazing," I answered.

"Since we can't exactly climb right now," The girl said pointing at a wooden structure on the ground, "Go in there."

"Hey, what's your name?" I asked her.

She gave me a long, hard look. "Celia."

Marth ran me towards the tiny building and squeezed in a small opening, covered in leaves and vines. Inside was a simple table and various wooden boxes. Marth laid me carefully on the table and stood back.

Before long, commotion outside pulled me out of my doze and the vines were swung aside as a familiar man entered. His graying hair and lined face made him look older than he actually was but it didn't make me any less happy to see him.

"Michael," I murmured happily, starting to feel slightly weak. He didn't reply and silently busied himself in a small white box. My vision started fading to black around the edges and the last thing I saw was Michael plunging a needle into my arm.


As promised.. The next chapter.. LEFT ON A CLIFF HANGER! MWHAHAHA >:D Michaaael! He's alive! And NEW GIRL ALERT. WOO :D There's your character Shanicey! <3 I'm thinking 1-3 chapters to go to end! No more tonight though :D Praying I can get a chapter done to upload tomorrow.

Much love



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