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(722 words)

I look around the recording room, taking it all in.  I really can't even believe that I am on a podcast. The last few days have been crazy to say the least, in a time span of a couple days my small YouTube channel of 23k subscribers has turned into 50k, halfway to a million, it mostly happened when I vlogged my day with Tara, which i'm eternally grateful for. I grew up with Tara, and she has been my favorite person for the last 20 years. I love how she's so free spirited and how shes never afraid to speak her mind, there's never a dull moment with her to say the least.

I'm Brought back to reality when I hear a clear voice announcing, "Is everyone cool if we start recording in" he looks down at his watch "ten minutes" a bunch of people nod or say "yes"

I look behind me wondering who had just announced, it was Zach Justice. Everything had suddenly just become so real. I started to get nervous, especially when Zach started his way towards me.

"Hey Y/N!" he said with a smile, I responded back with a polite hello. Me and Zach never had talked in person before, details about the podcast were either made through text, call, and sometimes Tara. We started small talk until Tara came in carrying a bunch of coffee.

"Fuck" she said while trying to balance four trays of Philz coffee on each arm. "A little help here?" Me and Zach quickly rush over. we each took a tray.

"Hopefully these are for us" Zach says while making his way to a table

"No, they're for everyone except you" Tara states with her voice heavily laced with sarcasm

I just laugh lightly, I have been watching the Dropouts Podcast ever since Tara started being a host, Tara's and Zach's friendship is so entertaining to watch. Everyone in the recording room begins to make their way to the table. They all grab a cup including me. I take a sip but then I feel a tug on my arm. Tara's motioning for me to follow her. I follow her as she makes her way through the room, we stop when we're about 10 feet away from the group.

"How are you feeling, nervous?" Tara asked while taking a sip of her coffee

I replied, "Kind of, I mean I've been watching the Dropouts Podcast for awhile and I think I got the vibe"

"That's good, but also I have a question" 

I sipped my coffee, "Shoot"

"Okay so tonight there's this party, and I was wondering if-"

I stopped her and immediately said "Nope, No way"

"Come on, Pleasseee. You have never gone to any parties with me, you can't just stay home for the rest of your life. Your 24, you have to act like it sometimes"

Tara looked at me with a serious face, we weren't joking around anymore. I am 24, but I just don't do parties. I'd rather stay home and watch a movie or read a book. There isn't a week that goes by without Tara trying to convince me to go to a party, and up til now there wasn't a week where I said yes. One party couldn't hurt.

I rolled my eyes "But what will I wear?" Tara's eyes lit up with excitement


I started to joke with her "hey, that doesn't mean i'm going it was just a question." Her excitement faded, "I'm just kidding, I am going" she started smiling again with the same excitement as before.

I just had one question, "But uhm, who's going?

Tara started listing off people and I pretty much knew all their names, "The Sturniolo triplets, Larry, Jake, Jhonnie, Zach, and Sam and Colby."

The last name hit me like a truck, Tara knew I always thought Colby was cute. I knew I could've easily met him, given him and Tara's friendship but I have always been scared. I just looked at Tara and blinked, she knew what was going through my head and she started smiling crazy because of it. She only said one thing

"Life's short, take chances"

I was about to say something if I wasn't Interrupted by Zach

"We're going to start recording in about one minute, everyone get ready"

I made my way to my seat with my anxiety levels going through the roof mostly because of my future plans tonight.

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