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The Podcast was going great we were about 45 mins in, we were talking mostly about random things until an interesting question was asked by Zach

"So Y/N... if you were to Collab with one channel who would it be?"

I pretended to think about it even though I already knew my answer. After a couple seconds I responded with "Sam and Colby." I made eye contact with Tara and we both just smiled.

"Ohhh so you like to do all the weird ghosty stuff then huh." Zach said

I replied, "yeah, even though I have never done anything with the paranormal, I have always wanted to try."

After that, the conversation moved on to Tara and Zach arguing about who has better pick up lines.

Time skip to end of podcast

After the podcast was finished Tara and I started to make our way towards the door. She started to make conversation about the party which I had almost forgot about.

"Sooo, what are you going to wear?" Tara asked 

"Uhm I don't know" I said "is it like a house party or is it somewhere else?"

 Tara responded with, "It's at a bar, kinda fancy, kinda not."

"Ohh okay, so like a mini dress and heels typa thing"

"exactly" Tara said as she smiled "Is it okay if I come to your house later tonight around 6 to get ready?"

"Of course!" I said, "That way you can help me with getting ready." Tara had a new look in her eyes, determination?

"I am going to make you look so hot that even Larry will have gay panic." Tara said. I could practically see the ideas forming in her head.

I laughed, "Maybe with a little Tarayummy magic, I just might have a good impression on Colby"

Tara looked at me, " 'Maybe, Might,' no you are going to have a good impression on Colby, don't doubt my skills." she put on her sunglasses, flipped her hair, and started strutting towards her car. I laughed, tonight is going to be an interesting night.

Time skip to 6

I had just narrowed my outfit options to 3 when I heard the doorbell ring. I made my way to my apartment door to open it. Tara was standing outside my door with her makeup bag, her outfit, shoes, takeout, and vodka. She waltzed right past me and into my apartment. She started rummaging through my kitchen.

"You better have shot-glasses" she yelled out at me from the kitchen. "AHA, I found them" she came back to me with two shot-glasses in hand. "let the party get started." I roll my eyes, what have I gotten myself into.

We started doing our makeup and hair. For hair Tara left hers straight and I made mine have very loose curls. 

And after that we started doing our makeup

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And after that we started doing our makeup. I normally just put on Mascara, lip gloss, concealer, and maybe sometimes light eyeliner. So when it comes to eye shadow, foundation, or heavy eyeliner I have no knowledge. So naturally I need Tara to help me. 

I showed Tara my three outfit options, with no surprise Tara said no to all of them and started rummaging through my closet

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I showed Tara my three outfit options, with no surprise Tara said no to all of them and started rummaging through my closet

"Damn girl, you really don't go out do you?" Tara looked at me out of breath, as if she had ran a marathon

"Have you met me?" I said laughing

"Good thing I brought an extra outfit" she said making her way through my room to her bag

"And Good thing we are basically the same size." I said as I watched her go through her bag. She pulled out a short mini dress that seemed really tight. It was a velvet, cherry red.

"Hell no"

but she combated my response with a "Hell yes, put it on right now"

I looked at myself in the mirror, I do not look like myself, yet somehow I feel like it is a good thing.

I looked at myself in the mirror, I do not look like myself, yet somehow I feel like it is a good thing

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It is currently 8:30 and we are supposed to be at the bar by 9. Me and Tara are rushing around my room, fixing hair, applying lip gloss, spraying perfume, and putting our shoes on. We both look in the mirror one last time. Tara takes a selfie.

"I'm going to post this to my insta"

I replied with "Kay"

I haven't felt this nervous for a while, I look like a whole new person, and I'm going to meet a bunch of new people.

Do I Love Him? (Colby Brock)Where stories live. Discover now