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I still can't believe that you noticed me an ocean away. The heavens would say it was meant to be

-While you were sleeping, Laufey


"Welcome to Ithaca!"

"Your hair is gorgeous, honey."

"Is your skin naturally a greenish color?"

Xene's family and friends rush to the beach side where the boat is docked. All excitement has led up to this moment where Kore will now be living with Xene in his hometown. Xene's smile is bright as his friends and family join him by the dock. Word had spread quickly, and soon a group of people had swarmed just to get a look at the girl Xene brought home.

Kore's nerves had finally caught up to her. She feels blessed to be immediately welcomed by many people, including Xene's family. They dance around her with excitement as they touch her hair and compliment her looks. A group of older ladies ask her what foods she likes for tonight's dinner. Two little girls ask Kore all about Calypso when they find out where she's from, and more people ask her if she has magical powers. Kore denies that she doesn't have any powers and she was simply living on the island. Even though Kore has been blessed immortality by Calypso, she doesn't bring it up.

Xene goes off and talks to some of his friends while Kore makes some of her own. She sits on a crate and carefully listens to everyone. She doesn't talk much. Not because she's shy, but because a twisted feeling swirls in her stomach. Kore just assumes it's from the lack of food, but then a cold sweat starts to break out on his arms and forehead. Quickly, she swipes at her skin and pretends she's alright. A few people give her a concerned look, but nobody says anything. Kore thinks she's alright until her stars crowd her vision. She starts to panic because she can no longer see clearly, and everyone's words are becoming jumbled.

In a panic, Kore stands up and stumbles down the beach to find Xene. She can't see where she's going. She bumps into multiple people. Kore keeps yelling for Xene to help her. Multiple hands grab at her skin from concerned people, but she shoves them off of her. Kore's mouth goes dry, but hot, wet tears roll down her face.

"Xene!" Kore shouts one last time before collapsing and hitting the sand.


Xene rushes his unconscious love through the streets of his town. Everything was going great until he saw Kore stumbling down the beach while screaming his name. Then, her eyes shut as she fell forward. The scene was horrific. He now holds her bridal style in his arms as he and a group of his family rush her towards his house to treat her there.

Kore's chest continues to move slowly, but her face is absent of color. Xene pumps his feet hard until he reaches the end of the street to where his house sits on the corner. He tells his brother to grab the key from underneath the plant pot on the porch. It wasn't the greatest spot to hide his keys before he left, but there was no time to think about that.

Xene's mother starts ordering people around in panic. "I'll find a wet cloth. Someone gathers herbs or tea. Xene, go find a place where she can rest," the woman shouts. Xene rushes Kore upstairs to his room. He kicks open the slightly ajar door. Xene goes to the side of his bead and lays Kore down into it. He adjusts the pillows to her head. He would put the covers over her, but her skin was already heated.

"No, no... Kore? Kore, what happened?" Xene pleads desperately at her side. Kore doesn't respond.

Xene's mother and sister eventually come in with treatment. After a long two hours, Kore opens her eyes. Everything looks and feels weird. She wonders where she is and what is on her forehead. She reaches a shaky hand up to grab the wet towel on her head. Her tongue tasted weird like she had something awful to drink.

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