Chapter 4 Reunion

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Going through a day of classes was both strange and achingly tedious. The intrigue in the different teaching styles and the leaps of innovation in the last millennia could only keep Harry interested for so long, and he soon grew vacant-eyed in many of his classes - arguably, not unusual for Harry Potter. Really, he was half in his mindscape, trying to let his memories settle so he felt less like two people in one body.

It helped that, at the heart of it all, Harry and Salazar were incredibly similar people. Something that surprised Harry less than it would have a year or so ago; he'd been learning to embrace his Slytherin traits for a while now. It was just the experiences that were jarring - having lived a whole life in the middle ages and then trying to apply that knowledge to the late 20th century was somewhat bizarre. He wondered if Neville was having the same issue; the other boy didn't seem to be paying attention in class any more than Harry did.

If he was going to have to finish the last four years of education at a teenage student's pace, he might just go insane.

The one saving grace of his day - other than the wards of Hogwarts pressing fondly against his mind - were the few times he managed to catch Cedric's eye in the halls between classes. It took everything Harry had not to run to the older boy, and from Cedric's gaze it seemed he felt the same way, but they had to wait.

By lunch, Harry was wondering if someone had cursed time to slow down.

After dinner, it was worse. He no longer had classes to keep him distracted - or to stop Ron and Hermione from asking him questions about his lack of attention. It wasn't their fault; how were they supposed to know his world had been utterly flipped on its head overnight? But he just couldn't be the same Harry they were used to. He had Salazar's entire life with him now, and while he was still Harry first and foremost, he couldn't ignore that.

He'd find a happy medium soon, he hoped. Things were just a little too new right now.

Eventually he managed to claim a headache and go to bed early, rubbing his scar as he did so - no one ever questioned him when he did that, even if Hermione did give him that narrow-eyed look of concern. Neville was already up there, still dressed in his uniform, reading a book on his bed. He offered Harry a sympathetic smile. "Finally had enough?"

"I just can't right now," Harry sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I need..." He trailed off, and Neville nodded. Of course he knew what Harry needed; it was the same thing he himself craved.

"Let's go," Neville murmured, marking his page and getting to his feet. Harry rifled through his trunk for his invisibility cloak, holding it up to his friend in offering. Neville rolled his eyes. "I think I can manage." He waved his wand, and vanished from sight in an instant.

The multitude of invisibility and disguise spells Harry now knew passed through his head, and he blushed sheepishly. "Oh, yeah." Still, he threw the cloak over his shoulders; it was a powerful magical item and he might as well use it.

Despite the full common room, the two teens managed to slip out unnoticed, heading out into the stone halls. Harry's breathing eased as he followed the familiar path - he might be used to the dungeons, but this castle was still theirs, and every inch of it felt like home. He could feel Neville's magic brushing up against his own as they strolled towards the seventh floor. He couldn't wait until all four of them were together again.

Harry was the one to manifest the room, and when they opened the door it showed a cosy common room with two large black sofas, angled towards a roaring fire. He made a beeline for the nearest sofa and kicked off his shoes, sprawling across the comfortable cushions. "Gods, it's going to be a long year. Long four years," he groaned, taking his glasses off to rub his eyes. Neville chuckled, dropping down onto the other sofa.

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