Chapter 15 Festivities

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Dinner was only mildly excruciating, with Harry attempting to weasel information about Crouch out of Percy while pretending to be interested in the man's job and promotion. On their other side, Fleur had Roger hanging on her every word as she described how much better Beauxbatons was at Christmas, and Cedric used the opportunity to learn a little more about the foreign school and the other ways it differed to Hogwarts.

When the plates had been cleared and the conversation picked up, Dumbledore made a gesture that had the music getting louder. He offered a hand to Madame Maxime, and the pair of them stepped out onto the dance floor.

That seemed to be the cue for several other pairs who had been waiting to dance, and soon the floor was full of spinning couples. Harry could see Neville and Luna in the mix, neither putting a foot out of step, gazing adoringly at each other the whole time. God, they were cute.

He leaned back in his chair, slinging a possessive arm over the back of Cedric's chair as Fleur's Veela allure began to drift towards them. Cedric didn't even blink, shifting to lean against the arm and carrying on his conversation, smiling when Harry's fingers began to play with the hair curling over the back of his collar.

Across the table, Hermione and Viktor seemed in their own little world, Hermione trying to teach Viktor how to properly pronounce her name. She looked up, catching Harry's gaze, and offered a half-smile. "So how long has this been going on then?" she asked with a gesture to Harry and Cedric, her meaning clear. Harry shrugged, still fiddling with Cedric's hair.

"A while," he replied vaguely, the understatement making him smirk to himself. "And this?" His nod in return made Hermione blush.

"Just a few weeks."

"I hope you're prepared, Viktor," Harry remarked, earning a raised eyebrow from the Durmstrang boy. "Hermione's the most capable witch in our year. I'd hate to see what she'd do if you upset her - it'd probably be detrimental to your quidditch career."

Instead of feeling threatened, Viktor barked out a laugh. "I do not doubt that," he agreed. "But do not vorry, I haff no plans to upset Hermy-own."

"Glad to hear it." Harry turned when Cedric brushed a kiss against his cheek.

"Fancy a dance, my love?" the Hufflepuff murmured quietly. Tingles shot down Harry's spine.

"Oh, I suppose," he said with a theatrical sigh. "Just because you're pretty." He got to his feet, taking Cedric's hand in his. "Hermione, Viktor, we'll catch you later," he bid the couple, letting Cedric lead the way.

As they danced, Harry couldn't help but tune into the whispers that were so close.

"What does Diggory see in Potter? He could have anyone!"

"I didn't know Potter was even bent."

"I bet they're just faking for attention. Or trying to prove they're in this tournament together or whatever." That last one made Harry snort, and a glance at Cedric confirmed the Hufflepuff had heard it too.

"Think we should prove we're not doing this for school pride?" Harry teased. Cedric rolled his eyes, kissing him solidly.

"Stop caring about other people and dance with me," he urged, ignoring the mini-explosion that his bold move had set off amongst the gossipers. "You look divine and I want to make the most of it."

"I'll happily dress up for you any time you wish it," Harry assured, before winking devilishly. "Or undress for you, if you'd prefer."

Cedric's cheeks flushed bright pink, and he purposefully stepped on Harry's foot. "You little minx," he muttered, scowling when Harry chuckled.

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