Chapter 10 Pride

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The morning of the first task dawned crisp and clear, and Harry and Neville both woke earlier than the rest of their dormmates. "How you feeling?" Neville asked once they were dressed and on their way to breakfast. Harry shrugged.

"Just want to get it over with, to be honest." He hadn't asked to be in the damn tournament, and he didn't agree with purposely riling up nesting mothers for sport. Quite frankly, he was surprised the dragon sanctuary had agreed to the whole affair.

Whispers started up in the hall when he entered from the few early risers who were already up, and Harry wasn't surprised to see Cedric and Luna sat together at the end of the Ravenclaw table. The two Gryffindor boys moved to join them, sitting opposite their partners. Downing his nutrient potion, Harry flashed Cedric a quick smile - the older boy looked fairly at ease, though there was an anxious twist to his lips when he thought no one was looking. "Got your plan?" Harry asked, already knowing the answer. Cedric nodded.


"Less of a plan and more of a vague guideline," Harry joked. "You know I don't like to think too far ahead on these things."

Neville snorted, rolling his eyes. "Understatement," he muttered around a mouthful of toast, earning an elbow to the side.

Across the room, Fleur Delacour entered with her usual posse of Beauxbatons friends, offering Harry and Cedric a solemn nod as she sat at the other end of the long table. She had a hard set to her jaw, and determination in her eyes. "I wonder what the other champions will do," Luna mused, watching Viktor Krum arrive shortly after, practically hidden amongst several of his classmates. The hall was filling up now, everyone eager to get to the task.

They didn't linger on their breakfast, despite several members of their houses coming up to wish Harry and Cedric good luck. The twins promised they were offering good odds on Harry, taking bets from all over the school. When they had no more reason to delay, Harry's eyes flicked to the door. "Shall we?"

Cedric sighed, nodding. "Might as well." He got to his feet, and Luna wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug.

"Good luck, Hel," she murmured softly. Then, raising her voice, "leave all the stupid heroics to him, won't you?"

Harry made an offended face, and Cedric laughed. "I always do." Neville rounded the table, squeezing Cedric around the shoulders.

"Just don't do anything I'd do, and you'll be fine," he joked.

"Where's my hugs and caution?" Harry said in mock-complaint. Neville smirked at him.

"We're not worried about you, snake-face," he teased. "Besides, any words of caution would be utterly wasted on that thick skull of yours."

For a moment, Harry thought about arguing, then shrugged and conceded the point. "Yeah, okay, fair. Well, you two enjoy the show!" He accepted a kiss to the cheek from Luna and ducked away from Neville trying to mess up his hair, then he and Cedric walked together towards the doors. Whistles and whoops rose from the Hogwarts students as the pair strode side-by-side. Whatever they did, they tried to present Hogwarts unity above all else.

Delacour and Krum joined them at the doors, both looking slightly pale despite knowing what they were about to face. None of them spoke as they headed towards the quidditch pitch.

The four champions were directed into a tent, and found uniforms hanging up for each of them to wear. Harry and Cedric looked at theirs, then grimaced in unison. "Really?" Harry muttered, shaking his head.

"Let's put them on, we'll fix them then."

Ducking into the curtained off cubicles, the two boys changed, stepping out in similar - but distinctly different - outfits. Where Harry's was adorned with red and gold, Cedric's held bright yellow accents against the base black, their house crests on the breasts. "We're representing our schools, not our houses," Harry said, looking down at himself in annoyance. "This won't do. Hold still, Ced."

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