Chapter 11 Interlude

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Since their awakening, the four founders had tried to spend as much time together as possible. Usually it was all four of them in the Room, or they split into two couples to get some time alone. Fairly often, Harry and Luna would have study binges, getting to the point where they would finish each others' sentences and reference magic well beyond Cedric or Neville's understanding, gesturing excitedly at each other as they spoke what might as well have been gibberish. And of course, Harry and Neville were roommates, so they spent plenty of time together.

This was the first time Cedric and Luna had spent time together, just the two of them. Cedric couldn't believe it had taken him this long. Back in their first lives, they had often shooed the boys away, insisting they needed some time without their block-headedness. Cedric missed his dearest friend - it was wonderful to spend time with Harry, but Luna was different. Rowena was different.

They were sprawled on two sofas in the Room, a plate of cheese and crackers on the low table between them as they discussed their classes, and Luna's issues with the other Ravenclaws, and Cedric's thoughts on the Tournament. It felt good, having someone he knew would never judge him, but also wouldn't take any of his problems personally. Harry was wonderful, but he did love taking the entire world's burdens on his shoulders.

"How are you adjusting?" Luna asked, when there was a lull in the conversation. Cedric sighed -she always was far too observant.

"Fine, on the whole. I've got my memories mostly sorted out now." Salazar had taught him enough mind magic to organise his thoughts, even if it took longer for him than the Slytherin. "Sometimes it still catches me out, though. I'll hit my head because I'm not used to being so tall, or I'll spend ten minutes searching for hair pins before I realise I don't need them." He'd already told Luna about the incident when Harry had asked him to the ball, and he bit his lip against his last secret. Then, he shook his head; if he couldn't tell Luna, who could he tell? "I miss feeling pretty, sometimes." He'd sort-of admitted it to Harry, but not in so many words.

"Well there's no reason you can't still feel pretty," Luna pointed out, sitting up properly. "It's all just about what does that for you. Different things feel pretty to different people." She smiled, that serene, non-judgemental look that always made Cedric's heart ease. "All you need is a little something that's just for you, something that makes you feel good. I felt pretty when I put on nice shoes; we spent so much time in work boots back then, silk shoes felt like a treat. I feel pretty now when I braid flowers in my hair. Neville feels pretty when he scrubs all the dirt from under his nails and I paint them. Godric felt pretty when his armour was perfectly polished." She reached over, taking Cedric's hand in hers. "What makes you feel pretty?"

"I-" He thought about it - what did make him feel pretty? When he was Helga, it had been soft silks, and sweet-smelling perfume. As Cedric... he'd never really considered it before. "I don't know."

"Well, now's a good time to find out," Luna chirped brightly. In the blink of an eye, the room changed slightly - their sofas nudged closer together, the low table shot up several inches, and suddenly multiple boxes were on its surface. Luna opened one of the boxes, revealing a mass of make-up and other beauty products. "I've never really had friends to do this with, but I've heard it's supposed to be fun."

"You want to- make-up? Really?" Cedric spluttered, eyes doubtful.

"Unless you have any better ideas?" Luna asked. She held two tubes of foundation up against his cheek, then put one back in the box with a decisive nod. "I thought if we start with the more stereotypical things that make people feel pretty, we can see how they feel for you and go from there. Now close your eyes and sit still."


Cedric couldn't say how long he spent sat with his eyes closed, following Luna's instructions as she covered his face in creams and powders and whatnot. Make-up hadn't really been around in Helga's time, but if it had Cedric knew he would've been all over it. Nerves bubbled in his gut as Luna worked - what if he looked ridiculous? Hell, what if he looked good?

"Stop worrying," Luna scolded, swatting him gently on the shoulder. "I'm almost done." She swept a gentle brush across his nose and cheekbones, then sat back, beaming. "There. See what you think."

The room dropped a mirror into Cedric's lap, and he stared at his reflection. Wow.

It looked like him, but... somehow both softer and sharper at the same time. Luna had highlighted his cheekbones, making them stand out even more than usual, and there was a shimmery gold powder over his eyelids, his lashes dark and much longer than usual. The foundation was a little sticky, and he didn't like the way the lipstick made his lips look. When he mentioned that to Luna, she handed him a cloth, helping him carefully wipe the red off until his lips looked more natural again.

"I like the eyes," he admitted, studying the dark sweep of eyeliner outlining his grey eyes, making them look even brighter. "The foundation and the - contour, was it? - That I could do without, but... I like the eyes." He couldn't stop staring at himself. He couldn't help but wonder what Harry might think if he saw him.

"You have beautiful eyes," Luna agreed. "Does it make you feel pretty?"

It did, and Cedric could see himself maybe doing this again for special occasions, but it wasn't it. "I think we need to keep trying."

"Okay," Luna said, unfazed. "Are we going more masculine, or more feminine? I'm sure Hogwarts could provide some clothes if you want to try some outfits on, or I could paint your nails - just your toes, if you want. Or there's always weapons; I know plenty of people who feel pretty with a sword in their hands."

Cedric blinked. "I was always more for the bow than the sword," he reasoned, shrugging. "Let's just... try all of it. Could be fun, right?"

Luna beamed, jumping to her feet like he'd just handed her the keys to the Library of Alexandria.

"It's going to be great," she promised, eyes bright. "We'll get you comfortable in your own skin again, I promise."

Cedric hadn't even realised that was the real problem, but of course, when Luna put it like that, it made perfect sense - he didn't feel like Helga, but he didn't quite feel like Cedric anymore either. He was somewhere in between, and he needed to figure out what made that person happy and comfortable. And pretty. Whether it was considered male, female, or something else entirely. Regardless of what other people thought of it.

They'd been pioneers in their past life, creating a school for magic when people said it shouldn't be done, that it wasn't the proper way to go about it. Helga had defied expectations and gender norms all her life.

Maybe Cedric could do the same, in his own way.

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