Chapter 12 Revelations

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Harry thought he'd made it clear to Yule break. Word was starting to get around that he had a date to the ball - though no one knew who yet, as he and Cedric wanted to hold off the drama for as long as possible - so only the truly brave girls were asking him out. He and Cedric had a fairly good idea of what to do with their golden eggs - Mermish was a pretty distinctive language, but they'd wait to find out exactly what it said until after Christmas. He had his dress robes the way he wanted them, he was up to date with his homework, and he was looking forward to plenty of free time to keep working on his personal research into soul magic and horcruxes.

Then, as he was leaving Potions on the last day of term, Snape's voice rose above the student chatter. "Potter, stay behind."

Neville shot him a questioning look, and Harry shrugged - he had no idea what the man wanted. Taking his seat once more, he sat silently until the classroom was empty but for him and Snape, waiting for his professor to speak. Snape strode across the classroom until he was right in front of Harry. Then, to the boy's surprise, drew his wand and pressed it to Harry's throat. "Who are you, and what have you done with Harry Potter?"

Harry gaped. "What?"

"Where do I start? Making friends with Slytherins, suddenly excelling in your classes, ignoring Weasley and Granger. I'll admit, the Parseltongue in the first task was a convincing touch, but there are ways to fake that if you know what you're doing. I know you're stealing Polyjuice ingredients from my private stores, so tell me, where is Potter?"

"Professor Snape, you're mistaken. I haven't stolen anything from your stores!" He had his own, down in the Chamber. But he wasn't using it for Polyjuice! "I'm Harry Potter, I swear."

"Potter has never been so civil to me," Snape spat. Suddenly ropes jumped from the end of his wand, wrapping around Harry's wrists and ankles, securing him to his chair. "Legilimens!"

Instinctively, Harry raised his occlumency shields, forcing Snape from his mind. The professor blinked, then snarled. "Aha! There's no way a fourteen year-old boy would be capable of that, especially not one as mentally inept as Potter. Who are you?" His dark eyes were narrowed intently. "I have veritaserum in my pocket if that would help loosen your tongue."

"I am Harry Potter!" Harry argued. His shoulders slumped; he was going to have to come clean. "But I'm also Salazar Slytherin."

Snape's hand slapped Harry clean across the face, his cheek stinging. "Do not play games with me!"

"I can prove it!" Harry insisted fiercely. "I know how to get to the Slytherin common room. All the entrances to the Chamber of Secrets. I know this castle inside and out, passages even the headmaster doesn't know about. I know the true name of the sorting hat. I can speak Parseltongue," he added in a sibilant hiss. Snape leaned against the desk opposite, arms folded over his chest.

"None of that explains how you could possibly be both Harry Potter and Salazar Slytherin. Which, quite frankly, is the most ridiculous attempt at a cover story I've ever heard."

"Exactly!" Harry retorted. "Would I really try and insult you with something so ludicrous if it wasn't the truth? I woke up in mid-September and suddenly had the memories of the entire life of Salazar Slytherin in my head. I don't know why, or how, but they're there. If you give me some warning," he said pointedly, "I can lower my shields and let you take a look."

Snape's thin lips curled in distaste. "Then consider this a warning. Legilimens," he murmured, wand raised once more. Feeling the unfamiliar magic slam against his shields, Harry took a deep breath, going against his every instinct to lower his mental barrier and invite the Slytherin housemaster into his mindscape. He was careful about the memories he picked - a handful of Harry's, both from school and the Dursleys, and then a handful of Salazar's throughout his life at moments no one but the true founder would be able to replicate. Eventually, when the memories were through, he nudged Snape and closed the barrier, gently ejecting the man from his mind.

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