★ | hate that I love you

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Shim Jaehyun Twoshot
(part 1)

now playing "Run to you" by Seventeen

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now playing
"Run to you" by Seventeen

Y/N's perspective :

Our first year of the university ended and pretty much next week we all were going back home for vacations when Ningning texted not even suggesting but directly ordering in the group chat that we have to stay overnight at the hill on the outskirts, basically for camping. As everyone wouldn't be able to meet each other for a month straight, the plan already became convincing and we all agreed to it.

Taehyun and Jeongjin were currently walking in the front, wanting to *protect* all of us, like there would be any threat in here anyway. I was walking in the back, listening to Ningning ranting how specifically she planned out all this just to shoot her chance with Jeongjin, the guy she had crush on since the first day we all met, while my stomach was churning from the sight in front of me. In between the four of us, Chaehyun, the girl who never left any chance to flirt with every living boy, was now all onto Shim Jaehyun, Jake to be precise. My literal hater.

Not that Jake was a bad boy or anything like that, but he was quite popular among girls, especially because flirting came off naturally from him, and I hate to admit but also how handsome he looks so effortlessly.

The only guy I actually was interested ever in my entire life but unfortunately due to some misunderstandings we fought the day we both met and it ended up pretty bad, so bad that I was on the verge of crying, and since then we never shared a word with each other. Not a threatening enemy to be exact but I knew that he didn't like me, because how sweet and cheery he was to everyone, except me and even if by some miracle he said something, it was sure that it was just to mock me.

Even I wasn't aware how receiving his cold shoulder made my heart fall for him but not that everyone knew how stupid I could think of us. I always eye rolled whenever I saw his face and never left a chance to prove myself how much I hate him. Even if he was my first love I can't help but to hate how casual his personality was, completely opposite to mine.

He flirted with every girl, sometimes so much that it made them believe that he was in love with them but never in this one year did I hear him actually dating someone. The second a girl wanted something more than being friends with him, the next thing you could know that he either made it clear to be in boundaries or literally ignored them.

That's what I hated about him, he never appeared to be an old school lover, just like the type of love I crave for, neither he was open to commitment. There were some moments when we both got left alone since we had the same friend group and how everyone sneaked out with each other often, but those were the times when I actually saw him so different from what he usually was.

It's like the second we were left alone, he had this cold aura around him, either he used to stare so intently that I used to leave first or he just pretended to be so engrossed over something just to ignore my entire existence. And I felt frustrated as to why I had to like him out of everyone when he hated even the mention of my name.

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