First Enemy

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The night air hummed with the energy of the street scene as Liam pulled up to a meeting spot in the downtown area of Montreal, his car gleaming under the neon lights. He had been making a name for himself, steadily improving under Barrett's guidance, and word had spread about the young upstart with raw talent and unbridled ambition. As he stepped out of his car, a figure emerged from the shadows, swaggering confidently towards him. It was a racer named Jake, a well-known street racer with a reputation for his brashness and ego.

Jake: Well, well, well, if it isn't the rookie everyone's been talking about.

Jake sneered, his eyes glinting with arrogance.

Liam sized him up, noting the Volkswagen GTI that Jake was driving and the air of superiority that seemed to emanate from Jake.

Liam: What do you want, um whoever you are?

Jake chuckled, a smug grin playing on his lips.

Jake: Name's Jake, I've heard the rumors about your so-called 'skills,' kid. But I don't buy it. You're just a beginner, and you're in way over your head in this scene.

Liam bristled at the challenge in Jake's tone.

Liam: I've been training hard, and I've got Barrett backing me up. I'm not afraid to prove myself on the streets.

Jake's laughter echoed through the night.

Jake: Barrett's just a has-been. You think he can turn you into a real racer? You're living in a dream world, kid. I'm here to bring you back to reality.

Liam's jaw clenched as he met Jake's gaze, the challenge burning in his eyes.

Liam: Fine. You want to race? Let's settle this once and for all.

The tension crackled between them as they agreed on the time and place for the race.

Jake: Damn right. Tomorrow, 7pm. Right by the CIBC tower. Dorchester square to Pointe du Moulin à Vent and back. First one there wins. I'll enjoy seeing you in my rearview...newbie.

As Jake swaggered away and got into his Volkswagen GTI and raced off, Liam knew that this would be his chance to show everyone, especially Jake, what he was truly made of.

* * * * *

The night of the race arrived, and the streets pulsed with anticipation as the crowd gathered around Dorchester Square as the city lights shone blindly to witness the showdown between the cocky veteran and the determined newcomer.

Liam's grip tightened on the steering wheel as he spotted Jake's Volkswagen GTI at the starting line. Jake revved his engine causing his car to sing and roar with confidence, a self-assured smirk on his face.

Jake: You ready to lose, kid?

Liam's eyes narrowed with steely resolve.

Liam: We'll see about that.

The signal was given, and the cars roared into action, hurtling through the well-lit streets with a ferocious intensity. Off the start Jake's car launched off the starting line starting to get ahead of Liam. Liam could not let that pass and slammed through first and second gear within the blink of an eye allowing his car to accelerate slightly faster than Jake. As the gap between Jake and Liam grew, Liam pushed even harder and witnessed the gap closing between them. Jake sported a big smile as he looked in the rearview.

Jake: Huh, I guess he does have some fight in him. It won't be enough.

Jake pressed his gas pedal more shifting at the perfect times the car lurching every shift. Jake looked ahead smiling knowing it was over already. However, as he looked back in his rearview he noticed that Liam's car had not gone further away but closer. Jake gasped in shock.

Jake: What!?

Liam bent his head down his eyes laser focused on the road as the first turn approached. Jake started to brake for the compensation of the turn but Liam waited he knew the perfect time to brake but Jake didn't. Jake looked back seeing Liam's Veloster N right on his bumper.

Jake: Is he drafting!? In a hatchback!?

Liam knew the science behind drafting and felt his car picking up speed as the car roared with fury and the gears upshifted in perfect time letting a small backfire and turbo flutter out of the exhaust tips every time creating a harmonic song of speed and fierceness. As Jake braked Liam didn't, waiting for the perfect time to overtake. In a second, Liam found himself seconds away from impact he focused and waited. Jake started to worry thinking him and Liam would crash.

Jake: He's crazy!

The world turned slow as the turn showed itself right at the time Liam expected. Liam quickly turned the wheel left sharply causing the car to slide and the traction control warning to start beeping rapidly while also avoiding a collision with Jake, Liam quickly turned the wheel all the way right immediately after, controlling the slide as the turn started to get sharper. Jake looked at Liam's car through his window, his headlights shining right through looking directly at him, the car nearly making a face to him as he looked on in pure awe. Jake's car stayed in the apex while Liam was drifting on the outside of the turn. The world slowed down the slowed down noise of the engine roaring and the squeal of the tires creating a symphony. As the turn came to a close Liam quickly regained control of the car and found himself in front of Jake. As the race progressed Liam stayed in front of Jake preventing him from passing all the way to the finish. Back at Dorchester Square, Jake is seen getting out of his Volkswagen visibly in awe, disbelief, and believe it or not...begrudging respect.

Jake: I... I can't believe it

Jake muttered, his ego visibly deflating.

Jake: You've got more skill than I thought. Maybe Barrett's been doing something right after all.

Liam nodded, a sense of vindication coursing through him.

Liam: I told you, I'm here to stay, and I'm just getting started.

As the crowd dispersed, Liam knew that this victory was just the beginning of his journey in the street scene. With each challenge and each race, he was determined to prove that he had what it took to rise to the top and leave a trail of defeated egos in his wake.

Start Small, End Big.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu