Listen. And Listen Close

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Liam is seen leaning on a guardrail in Montreal, as he looks out at the skyline he sees the buildings move in an awkward way, and the light playing tricks on him. He soon realizes it's not the buildings themselves, but whatever is next to him is causing the skyline to shift and shimmer in front of him. Liam looks to his right and sees his grandfather with a powerful aura around him.

Liam: Hey pops. You're visiting me again, huh? Hehe. I figured you would. Your little apprentice made a name for himself, wouldn't you say?

Liams grandpa smiles at Liam and speaks with a booming yet soft voice.

Liam's Grandpa: I guess you did, hehe. I figured you would anyway. I just had a feeling, and you know about my feelings.

Liam: Hehe, yeah, they always ended up being right. Most of the time.

Liam's grandpa: There was only one time you beat me, Liam. Hehe. You always had a knack for design. But then again, it was still only once, so props to me.

Liam: Well, you could've said no, you know. You didn't have to go with the color scheme I chose for your 3000gt. Hehe.

Liam's grandpa: Well, I did have a little spark tell me that I should do it, so I did. Let me tell you, life is something out of this world, sometimes you know?

Liam: Oh lord, here we go, hehe.

Liam's grandpa: What? Do you think we old folk don't have knowledge? Plus, you were the only one who would listen to me anyway. I know I would just go on and on about fate that life that. But it was good to know that at least someone was listening. Your father never did. So, of course, I went crazy when you did. I can not thank you enough for that Liam. On my heart.

Liam: Yeah, I guess so. But, I guess you were really the only one I felt inclined to listen to. I'm glad I did, don't get me wrong, but it was kind of supernatural, you know. Like, how I......

Liam's grandpa looks at him with a curious look.

Liam's grandpa: What? Knew I was going to die? That isn't your fault, Liam. I've seen you beat yourself up over it so much. It just sucks. I hate to see my little second son sad. Any father would, like your dad. William is arrogant, believe me, but it's all in good faith for you Liam. I'm honestly surprised at how he finally opened up to you about his choices about your dream to be a racer. And here you are. Living them. You probably wouldn't be without your father. I was the same with him, and I expect you to do the same once you have a kid.

Liam: It's crazy pops. I mean here I am 17 and living my dream. Not many people can say that for themselves, you know. But I can.

Liams grandpa smiles at Liam.

Liam's grandpa: Hehe, yeah, but don't let it get to your head, you know. That Logan fellow is right about that, you know. Ego is the worst thing a racer can let control them. I've seen it, Liam. I used to be just like you. Going out to all these races both underground and on the track. You learn a lot from paying attention really close. That's why I always told you the biggest obstacle is yourself.

Liam: I know, pops. I just wish....I could...

Liams voice starts to break.

Liam: I just wish....I could be here living my dream with you... but I can't.

Liams grandpa smirks.

Liams grandpa: Come on, kiddo. I'm always here. You just gotta find me in your heart. I told you I'd always be by your side and here I am literally right by your side. I know you miss me. I do, too. But, you have to realize Liam. That I'm always here no matter what. I practically live inside your skills. I am the one that taught you them, hehe.

Liam: Hehe, yeah, I miss those days. After school, you'd take me for a drive and show me so much even though I was so small. I understood everything. I thank you for that pops. I really do. It just sucks you can't be here, you know physically. In the crowd, watching me race and live on your legacy. I just......wish things could've ended better. I didn't even get to say goodbye to you. I regret that so much. You know how great it've been if you were still here. Hehe. You could watch me practice watching my races and see me graduate racing school. You could've got with me after a big race, and we could've eaten your lobster rolls as we looked out to the track. But, I can't have that. It was taken away from me. I know it wasn't my fault, and I shouldn't dwell on it. You told me grief is one of the best teachers, and I'd have to say you're absolutely right. I wouldn't be here if I didn't think about you on my lonely nights or whenever I looked at the empty spot in the garage where you had your 3000gt that you painted just for me. You know, the oil stains are still there. Stained into the floor. Reminders of what could've been. Reminders of what.....I could've cherished. But, I lost it. I lost it.

Liam starts to cry

Liam: I'm sorry. I just really miss you, Grandpa. You meant a lot to me.

Liams grandpa puts his ghostly hand on Liams shoulder.

Liams grandpa: I miss you too, Liam. I do. Just remember that I'm always in the stands, I'm always next to you, I'm always right there beside you. In spirit. And that's the strongest part of any human being. Now rest up. You gotta big race coming up. I love you. Always have.

Liams grandpa fades away and rises into the sky of Montreal and disappears between a flock of birds as Liam looks up at them.

Liam: I love you too.

* * * * *
Liam is seen in bed, sleeping, as a tear rolls down his cheek in bed.

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