Mount Panorama

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On the day of the race, Liam is seen in the pits with the Honda Canada Racing team and Logan. The team is seen checking over Liams car, which is a beautiful NSX GT3. As they do the check-up, Logan pulls Liam aside.

Logan: Alright, this is the Bathurst 500. There are no rookies in this race other than you. I know you have what it takes, but expect a challenge. After this race, you'll be off on your next race, which is at Sebring, but right now, worry about here and now and only here and now.

The team finished checking on Liams car and stepped aside while a team member came up to Liam and Logan.

Team Member: You're good to go Allard, oil's good, gas is good, and the important parts are also ready. Good luck out there. Come back to us in one piece, will ya?

The team member runs off as Liam starts to worry slightly. He hasn't raced in any supercars his whole life he's not sure he's ready for the new speeds he'll be going at.

Liam: Logan, I'm kinda nervous about this race.

Logan: Why? Is it because of the speeds? Don't worry. They won't feel too crazy inside that NSX, but they'll be visibly crazy. Just take precautions around every turn, Bathurst is a thin circuit, so don't expect room around any turn unless you're by yourself. Since you're in the big leagues, expect some more aggression. These guys would hate to see their egos screwed up by a rookie or even a 17 year old kid. You got this. Now get ready for your practice lap.

Logan steps away and talks to a team member in the distance as Liam looks at his racing gloves and his helmet. He thinks deeply about the dream with his grandpa and puts on a confident smile as he puts his gloves on and helmet. He gets into the car with his name on it and the number 64. As he gets in, the announcer of the track begins to speak.

Announcer: G'day ladies and gents. Welcome to some blasting good times coming your way here at Mount Panorama. The racers will be starting their practice laps in 12 minutes due time. The staff here at Bathurst circuit on this beaut of a day here in the land down under are happy to be a part of the 79th Bathurst 500 supercar race.

Logan comes up to Liams window in the car.

Logan: Alright, we're going 6th on the practice laps out of the 11 other racers here. It's not a good start, but it's not too bad, either. Get used to the track rubber, a race recently finished, so your tires should be glued a bit more to the track, but it'll make it a bit harder to brake in the turns. Those turns are going to be a nightmare for you today. I want you to take them smoothly instead of quickly, alright. Go with the turn, not against it. You got it?

Liam: Understood. I'll be prepared.

Logan: Great! Alright, you're off! Go! Go! Go!

Announcer: It appears that the racers are heading out on their practice laps. I don't know bout you lot, but I'm ready to see what the little old, or should I say, new, rookie has got in store for us today. If you have no idea out your bright mind who I'm spitting bout. First off, you must live under a rock, and finally, I'm talking about the mighty Liam Allard in that beauty of a car. The #64 NSX GT3. Allard's made some motion back in, what was it, barseelona? Barcelona? I don't know, but whatever, he pulled a great placement of 1st in the annual Catlunya exhibition round. I'm eager to see what made him #1 against racers that oughta have more experience than him.

* * * * *
Liam goes around the track smoothly, rolling through the terrain, changing the track around its bends, and screws elegantly like a dance. Then again, he's always done that when he'd go racing. Liam ends his practice lap and drives back into the pits where the Honda Canada Racing team once again checks on the car and makes sure everything is in order for the race, which it appears to be.

Logan: So, how was it? Good lap? You got a good feel for the car?

Liam: It was good, the lap was a bit meh but I know what to fix when it's the real deal, and the car feels nice, it feels more smooth and snappy but it has a little understeer in some of the turns but it's nothing I can't control.

Logan: Alright, then I'll mark us as ready, and you'll be off in the real race in 30 minutes. Keep safe, alright?

Liam: You got it, Logan.

Logan nods as he rushes off to mark the team as greenlit or ready to go.

Announcer: Alright, everyone! The race starts in a whopping 30 minutes. In 30 minutes, you'll see these beasts of machines pour their heart and souls out onto this amazing track. Will smarts beat brawn? Or will Goliath beat David? We'll see in 30 minutes. Let the Bathurst 500 be an ode to everything great about our lovely country of Australia!

* * * * *
30 minutes later, all the cars line up at the start line and eagerly wait to be unleashed as the sun grows bright on the track, highlighting the characteristics of the track and its history marked with skid marks. Liam is seen in the NSX GT3 stretching his hands as sweat starts to fall from his face. The countdown begins.

PA: 5....4...3...

Liam: For grand-père (grandpa)

PA: 2...1...*BEEP!*

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