Australian Anticipation

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Liam is seen with Logan walking out of the plane and heading into the Sydney Airport of Australia. Logan begins to speak.

Logan: Well, here we are, the country down under. It's beautiful, don't you think?

Liam looks at the distant skyline of Sydney, Australia, and smiles.

Liam: Yeah, it is. I've never been to Australia before, then again. I really haven't been anywhere. Hehe.

Logan: Well, I've been here, and I can tell you Australia's one hell of a place if you ask me, or any of the locals, they love their country. Let's go, let me show you around.

Logan and Liam head towards the entrance of the Sydney Airport.

Logan: I'd honestly say Australia is one of my favorite countries I've ever competed in. Australia is something else, honestly. It's got amazing nature, amazing people, and surprisingly, an amazing racing scene.

Liam: Really? I didn't expect such a dry place to have such a lively racing scene.

Logan: Oh, you'd be surprised Australia isn't all desert and outback. It's got its fair share of beauty like the Blue Mountains. You see them?

Logan points to distant mountains that stretch across the horizon of Sydney.

Logan: The blue mountains are so beautiful, pretty much all year round.

Liam and Logan make their way towards the exit of the airport as Logan continues to talk about Australia.

Logan: I love the fauna here too, there's so much diversity here with the animals that live here, which is honestly surprising. So many species from different, well everything, yet living in the same place, it's really great.

Liam: I do like kangaroos.

Logan: Me too. Liam, me too.

Liam and Logan get inside a car and begin to drive to their hotel, which is near Mount Panorama Circuit.

Logan: Now the people here are amazing they're usually welcoming to outsiders as long as you don't get on their bad sides. Oh, and also, don't ever show hate to this county cause they will make you wish you never came. Hehe. I've seen that happen myself. Thankfully, it wasn't me who got beat up. Heh.

Liam: Yeah, they do seem nice. Almost every person here has said hi to me or something like that. It's a good energy to feel you know?

Logan: Absolutely.

Logan and Liam arrive at the hotel and walk to their room.

Logan: Now let's talk about the important things. Mount panorama Circuit. It is one of the hardest circuits in the modern world.

Liam sits on a seat inside the room as Logan sits across from him on a couch in their suite.

Logan: Mount panorama is known for their supercar and intercontinental GT challenges.

Logan puts a picture of Mount Panorama on the TV and begins to show Liam the track.

Logan: Mount panorama has 23 turns, and all do not need to be taken lightly. The race you're doing on Saturday is the Bathurst 500. This'll be your first supercar race. You'll be driving an NSX, so don't worry about your car too much. The NSX is insanely powerful, but I'll get into more details about the car when we visit the track on Wednesday. Right now, I want you to pay attention and pay attention really well because Mount Panorama is going to be the absolute hardest track you've ever faced so far. It's a major step up from Circuit de Catlunya. Can you handle that?

Liam: 100%

Logan: Good, now Mount Panorama is a 3.9-mile track, so endurance is going to come into play for your 3 laps. This time, you'll be lapping instead of how it was only one lap back at your exhibition.

Liam: Speaking of, is there a reason as to why in doing harder races now?

Logan: Well, like I told you on that exhibition round, I didn't plan on you winning. I didn't plan on it because I wanted the team to give you more time to practice, but since you decided to win it, they're expecting more from you. That's why I didn't care if you won or lost, it was to determine where to put you next, so here you are.

Liam: Okay, that's fine. I think I can do it.

Logan: Good, back to what I was saying, Mount Panorama is long, and it's unique, especially coming down to terrain. Expect a lot of ups and downs, both straights and twists. This circuit is kinda like a roller coaster.

Liam: Okay, so I have to watch for terrain, so I gotta watch my speed then.

Logan: Exactly, let's go over the sections of the track. The turns you need to watch for are Hell Corner, Griffin's Bend, Forrest's Elbow, and Murray's Corner. All these turns have a high speed you'll be approaching them from. They also do not have a lot of space for simple overtaking. Expect hard resistance, but be careful. Crashes here tend to be brutal, and we don't want you to be a part of it. That's all I can really say until we actually get out there on Wednesday. For now, I want you to look at the track map closely and start brainstorming. I want you to test those ideas on Wednesday when the track is running a track day. Today, though, I want you to take a rest day and get your head in the game and prepare for Wednesday. We had a long flight, so I perfectly understand if you're insanely tired. Cause I am. Hehe. I know you'll do good, Liam. You proved to me you can do it. I'm glad you joined up. You really are one hell of a racer. I'll see you tomorrow, I'll probably take a nice trip through the city, you're welcome to come but don't complain about me nerding over Australia. I love this place, hehe. Get some rest. You're gonna need it.

Liam: Thanks Logan I will, I'll see you tomorrow.

Logan: See ya.

Liam leans back in his chair as Logan makes his way to his bed and prepares to sleep. Liam is eager to race Mount Panorama, but he's also kind of scared. He's seen the track through the pictures, and it seems very tight for him, which is something he's never had to deal with. He just hopes he doesn't find himself spun out in a fiery wreck.

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