chapter 5: the date

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tw: smut, kissing
a few days later...
i show up to school and see noah. oh how i like him so much. i got up to her and smile. "hey mi amor." he says to me. i still don't understand what he's saying but i like it. before i can answer him emma comes up to me. "hey!" she says happily. i roll my eyes and giggle at her. noah looks me up and down. i can't help but get butterflies... "you know i'll ask you later mi amor." noah says awkwardly. i sigh. "please noah, you can tell me." i mouth to emma 'back away for a sec.' she walks away. noah looks me straight in the eyes. "mi amor, would you like to come on a date with me?" he says with biggest goofiest smile plastered on his face. i nod. "yes." this is the moment ive been waiting for. he pulls me into a soft gentle kiss. this time he doesn't taste like beer, he tastes like dr pepper and donuts. i don't care i love it. he pulls away and runs his hands through my hair. he's perfect. i smile at him. "get to class my darling." he says to me. 'darling' ugh he's so sweet. i then walk into class totally forgetting about emma and see jake in there. he waves at me and comes up to me. "hey babe." he says with the most annoying smirk. i hate that i love him. i should love noah. noah hernandez is perfect. jake smith is a one-night-stand loving asshole. he can never have a girlfriend more than a week and its so embarrassing.
later at the date...
noah takes me to this fancy restaurant. we order food and eat it. after we eat he takes me to his place. we go inside and we sit on the couch. "wanna watch a movie?" he says. i nod. of course i wanna watch a movie with HIM. he's mine. he puts on The Notebook. i love romance movies(and books). he lays his head on my chest looking like a scared puppy. he's so cute. we cuddle for a while. that's when he decides to set his and on my thigh. i can't help but blush by him doing this. god he makes me feel so good. i look into his eyes. he looks up at me and smiles. i really like him. he grips my thigh harder when he sees that im blushing. he can tell i want him. no, i don't want him, i NEED him. i need noah hernandez. he gets off my body and sets me on his lap. okay... this is getting good. i lean in to kiss him. he kisses me back. oh how i love to kiss him. this time he tastes like popcorn. fresh buttery popcorn. he kisses me harder until we both have our shirts off and in his bed. i get on top of him kissing him harder. "a-am i too heavy for you?" i say with an embarrassed look on my face. he pushes me off and sits me down next to him. "mi amor your perfect, no one could ever take your spot. because your my love. your body is beautiful your hips, thighs, arms, legs, EVERYTHING about you." he says with a big smile on his face. i touch his cheek and kiss him again. he pulls me on top of him again. im scared. "noah... im scared for this." i say. "you can trust me mi amor... your the best thing that has ever happened to me." when he says that i smile at him. he really is perfect. we remove our pants leaving him in his boxers and me in my bra and panties. i unclasp the strap of my bra and throw it somewhere in his room. his eyes go wide. "w-wow..." he says letting out a big sigh. my face goes red. he kisses me again. he removes his boxers... my jaw drops. it's not cause he's 'big' or anything like that. this is the first time im able to see his body. so i remove my panties. he puts himself inside me and i let out a soft moan. he chuckles when he hears that. he thrusts in and out of me. im glad were having sex. he feels amazing.
the next morning...
i wake up with him by my side. god... he's perfect. he has his hand on my hips and is cuddling me. last night was the best day of my life... i run my fingers through his hair and he wakes up. he's so pretty when he's half asleep. "sorry i didn't mean to wake you up." i say. he smiles and hugs me tightly. "your okay stop apologizing darling." he says with a smile nuzzling his face in my neck. what would i do without him?

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