27 | Violets for Roses

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Nico left Paris 7 days ago.

I told him he could take the painting and leave a check of what he owes me on the kitchen tae as he already had my house code from a previous visit.

And then I told him not to talk to me again, and blocked him so he wouldn't be able to even if he tried.

After 2 days, I unblocked him.

I guess I wasn't as strong as I thought.

Deep down, I really wanted to be greeted with texts upon texts of how he's sorry and how he wants to make things work between us. But would I have responded if he did text me that? Probably not.

I slowly started eating more.

Not having a scale at the hotel was helpful, and by day 10 of the trip I was eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Granted, each day the calorie count was far below what I knew I needed to eat if I wanted to regain, but it was the fact I was eating again that made me feel better.

I blocked Mother, Mira, Ryu, and Ella-Rose. I unblocked Ryu and Ella-Rose after 2 days as well, but our messages still stayed dry, and it made me wonder if they even realized I had blocked them in the first place.

It wasn't nearly as hard to feel glimpses of happiness when I was alone again. Maybe it was just the thrill of France, the beauty of Europe that was twisting my mood.

I still went out to a club nearly every night, and on the days I didn't, I'd hail a taxi over to the Eiffel Tower and dissociate on the grass lawn until the clock hit 12 and the flashing sparkles of the structure was bright enough to snap me out of my dazed state.

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