Chapter 37

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Qi's pov;
"Good work, what'd you inject him with?" Hachiman asked.

"Nothing special, just the same medicine he always uses. Well, I did adjust it to make it act more quickly." I said, before getting back up and walked over to Hachiman.

"This'll go a lot smoother now that, he's out of the way. Now it's just us and our old friends." Hachiman said.

I reached into my pocket for a needle injection. "Oh, yeah.".

"Do it," Hachiman ordered. I took off the cap from the injection, and stabbed him in his left thigh and injected the poison. "Did you.. Just?" I pull out the injection and jumped back. "You think you're sneaky, huh?".

"Don't have to be, that stupid mask blocks your vision. Anyways, I brewed up a new medicine just for you." I said, while tossing the empty injection to the side. "It'll attack your nervous system, working it's way through your spine and brain, you'll be paralyzed.. Helpless.".

"Are you planning this from the start?" He asked.

"You aren't gonna start whining about morality now are you? You were planning to kill me too, once I'd serve my use." I said.

"True," He said.

"You've got a decent eye for judging people, Hachiman. You excel at making threats, forcing bad deals. Funny thing, that's what did you in." I said.


"Only reason you didn't kill me immediately is because you thought, I might be useful. You like to use people for everything they're worth, you ring them dry before you crush them. That's what gets you off more than anything, right? I'm almost flattered that you thought, you'd try to use me one last time. But your judgment was skewed, after everything you've done you should've known. I'll always be your enemy... Yeah, I'll hate you until I die. It's time for you to pay." I said.


Y/n's pov;
"You.. You filthy traitor!" Hachiman punched Qi in the face, sending him flying until he crashed into the wall. Hachiman walks over to Qi and picked up his foot above Qi's head. "Die," I ran over to Hachiman and tackled him away from Qi. When Hachiman hit the ground,I hover over him and started punching at his face over and over even with him begging me to stop. This bastard hurt Nico, Liang, Upa, and Qi. I won't stand by and watch it happen again.

Qi's pov;
"Am I dead?" I asked, but when I realized I'm still alive and heard people stop in front of me. I look up to Liang and Upa standing there with their arms crossed and not looking too happy with me. "So uh. It's kind of been a while hasn't it guys?".

"You've been here the whole time, right? So, no it hasn't been very long at all." Upa said.

"Yeah, sorry." I said.

"Idiot, who do you think you are pulling a stunt like that?" Liang asked.

"Right, well I don't know, it seemed worth it. Um, I said sorry right?" I asked.

"If sorry were enough, we wouldn't need prisons." Upa said.

"Stop looking at me like I pooped on your rug! It's like that thing that people say to deceive your enemies, you must first. Uh, something." I reached inside my pocket again for the keys, and pulled them down. "I'm sorry, I didn't warn you, but I did bring the keys to your cell and handcuffs.".

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