Chapter 1

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I was in my room packing for the boot camp my mom is sending me to. Don't get me wrong, I love her. But it is like she has forgotten why I always hate everyone she dates. Like she completely forgot why I hate them. And now she is sending me away for my attitude, which I will admit that I have all the time, but that isn't the main reason she is sending me away. She is doing it because I called her husband, my step-dad, a wanna be millionaire and I accused him of being with her for only her money.

Which I don't get why she got mad. Half the men she dated her only wanted her money and sex. Nothing else. So excuse me mom for being protective and caring for you.

She always gets mad whenever I call him by his name. He is not my dad and never be. Sure he is nice, but I don't trust him.

Speaking of him, why would someone name their child Gary? That is only in SpongeBob for a snail. No offense Gary's.

Another reason I hate him is because he takes all of my mom's attention away from me. I don't even remember the last time, I hugged her or when she kissed me on the cheek. Or matter of fact, I don't remember the last time she actually made physical contact with me without looking mad at me or disappointed. So another reason for why I always hate fucking Gary.

I threw the last of my clothes in my bag and headed downstairs. I got down there and saw Gary was between my mom's legs making out with her. I groaned, "At least wait until I'm fucking gone instead of fucking where we eat," I spoke coldly.

They both jumped and my mom blushed. I rolled my eyes, "You ready baby?" She asked me.

I rolled my eyes, but nodded. "Definitely since you are so ready to get rid of me so badly," I headed towards the door. I heard a choked noise and looked back. My mom was crying. "Seriously??" I asked.

"Sorry. I don't want you to leave baby. But I can't do this anymore," she spoke softly. "The teachers can't even handle you anymore Ace."

I just walked out and waited in the car as they eventually walked out. I looked at my house and sighed.

Goodbye home. I'll miss you all.


I was in a line full of boys and saw half of them crying their eyes out. Fucking cry babies.

I looked beside me and saw a boy with blonde hair, he looked ahead of him just staring off into the distance. He noticed me looking at him and looked over. He instantly smiled at me happily, "Hey I'm Brian!" He exclaimed happily.

I smiled lightly at his bubbly personality, "Ace," I spoke lightly.

Before he could say anything to me, a fat Sergeant came walking out. He looked pissed. I would be too, "Enough with the chit chat and enough of the crying," he growled at us. I forced back an eye roll. "You got here with your own actions," he stated angrily. I saw a hand raise and I mentally groaned, "Yes?" The fat guy asked.

"I heard the actual Sergeant is Alexander Morgan. Is that true?" The boy with glasses on asked. Teachers pet.

The fat man just glared at the boy before he spoke, a deep voice spoke up, "Yes. I am your sergeant. This is Lieutenant Wilkerson," the voice said and when he came into view, I swear I got a erection right here. He was the hottest man I have ever seen. His black hair styled the most perfect way ever.

The boy instantly grinned, "It's nice to meet you sir. My dad spoke a lot of you and it is an honor of meeting you sir," the boy spoke. Alexander just stared at him with a stern look.

"What's your name?" He asked the boy.

"My name is Charlie sir," Charlie spoke. I almost gagged from the way he said it.

"Well Charlie, it's a pleasure that you look up to me so much. But just because your dad kn-"

"He always spoke of how proud he is of you becoming the youngest Sergeant of a boot camp," Charlie spoke happily.

I saw some Lieutenants chuckle lightly and some of them look at the boy with pity in his eyes. Alexander narrowed his eyes at Charlie before speaking, "Well that is good to hear," he started off, but I knew more was coming. "But never in your life interupt me again," he spoke sternly. The boys eyes widened and when he was about to speak, Alexander cut him to it, "But me knowing your dad does not help you here."

"Yes sir! And I'm sorry sir!" He exclaimed.

I just stood there bored as Alexander's eyes looked us over. His eyes seemed to harden when his eyes landed on me. I was confused, but I stared back unamused.

"Listen up! You all are here for a reason," he explained, "and if you think this is a vacation then you are in for a fucking ride. I do not tolerate disrespect or bullying in this camp. If I hear any of that here, you will be punished," he instructed sternly.

"Yes sir!" Charlie exclaimed. He was getting on my nerves. He noticed my mood and turned to me, "You better be listening to him!" He basically yelled at me.

I turned towards him and glared, "You talking to me?" I asked harshly.

"Who else?!" He yelled at me.

I hated it when people yelled at me but I kept my composure and glared him down, "Who said I wasn't fucking listening nerd?" I growled at him.

His face grew red as Alexander watched us both, "Watc-"

"Shut up suck up," I heard a voice mutter. My eyes widened when I saw Adrian. Why the fuck was he here?

"What did you just say to me?" Charlie asked red in the face.

"I said to shut up suck up. Do I need to spell it out for you?" Adrian growled.

Charlie suddenly stormed up to me but Adrian stepped in front of me, "I would step back if I was you," Adrian growled at Charlie.

Charlie instantly backed away, "Whatever," he fell back into line as Adrian did too.

Why did he protect me? I was confused. The last time I seen him was the day, my mom forced me to leave.

Alexander sighed, "That right there is what I am talking about. But considering today, your first day, I'll let that slide," he explained. He sent me a harsh glare.

Why me? The nerd is the one who started it. Not me.


After the long process of everything, I was showed to my cabin. I walked in and saw some kid whose name was fucking Chad.

He looked like a world class pedophile. And it made me want to gag.

Alexander let us keep our hair as long as it doesn't grow over our shoulders or shoulder length. Which I was fine with. Just not the fact that I had to give them my jewelry.

What am I going to do with fucking jewelry? Hit someone in the face with it? Stab them?

Everything that I described sounded what I wanted to do with Gary and now that fucking nerd.

The only question bothering me is, why is Adrian here? He was always a good kid.

What happened??

And I wonder if Alexander Morgan is single. Maybe so. Hopefully so.

I would totally let him fuck me any day of the week. All he has to do is ask and I'll say yes.

But at the same time, I hated it here. And I hate everyone here. Except for that Brian kid and Adrian.

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