Chapter 7

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It was the day of parents visiting their kids, I made sure to avoid Chad but at the same time keep an eye out. I know, it makes no sense, but I can't help it. I walked outside in the burning hot sun and instantly saw my mom and Gary. I slowly made my way to them and groaned when I saw Gary in a full conservation with Sergeant Morgan.

I have no clue why I started referring to him as Sergeant Morgan in my head but blame it on the stress. I watched as Sergeant Morgan and Gary laughed about something and walked even slower to reach them.

My mom instantly saw me and basically cried out my name, "Ace my sweet baby boy!" She exclaimed. She rushed over and hugged me tightly. I hestiantly hugged her back tightly. She held onto me as she cried into me. I caught Sergeant Morgan's gaze and I saw him staring at me with a stern look before him and Gary started talking again.

Eventually she pulled away and wiped away the tears as Gary wrapped his arm around her pulling her into him. I scowled at him for taking her away from me but didn't say anything. I never did.

"So how has he been doing?" Gary asked Sergeant Morgan.

Sergeant Morgan looked at me and then back at Gary, "He's been doing fine. Only few problems here and there," he explained.

I saw Gary look at me with a pointed stare, "Don't tell me I am wasting my money because my son can't behave?" He asked.

I felt anger grow in me. I didn't ask to come here, they forced me too come. I growled at Gary, "I am not your son. And you are not my dad."

"I am your step dad-"

I interrupted him, "Exactly. Nothing but a step dad. Nothing more. And never will be," I hissed at him finishing his sentence.

My mom pulled away and grabbed my hands, "Come on now Ace. Gary loves you. Don't be mean to him. See?" She motioned towards Gary who looked like he was hurt from what I said. "You hurt his feelings, tha-"

"I don't care if his feelings are hurt," I snapped at my mom.

She sighed, "Baby, come on. He has-"

"God mom. He only wants you for the money. Like every other man did," I hissed at her. Hoping she'd believe me.

But she never does. That's why I stopped trying, "He doesn't want my money baby. He paid for this camp," she stated.

"With your money. Not his money," I corrected her.

"I gave it to him baby," she continued.

"Whatever," I pulled my hands away and looked away. I saw Adrian talking to his mom and dad.

Gary apologized to Sergeant Morgan as I zoned out and focused on other things other than that conservation. I saw Chad and my eyes followed him, it looked like Chad had no visitors. Which hopefully meant that I was wrong. But the question lingered in my head. How does Chad know about Robert?

I forced that thought away as I saw Adrian and his parents walk over here. My mom instantly saw Adrian, "Adrian my dear, how are you?" She exclaimed as she hugged him tightly.

Adrian hugged her back, "I've been doing well Mrs. Johnson," he answered her while letting go.

"How'd you end up here my dear?" My mom asked him.

Sergeant Morgan looked like he was in a deep conservation with his parents, "Couldn't behave so they shipped me away. In a box might I add," he joked with my mom.

Gary looked at Adrian with a stern look. I glared at Gary and he looked away, "We did no such thing," his mom stepped in. I was suddenly yanked into a tight hug, "How are you my sweet boy?" She asked me.

"I've been fine Mrs. Harper," I answered her as we pulled away from each other.

She nodded her head but kept an arm interlocked with mine as we talked and laughed with each other. But soon the fun ended whenever Gary butted in, "I believe my son is here to learn discipline, not having the time of his life," he hissed. My mom tensed as Adrian's dad looked this way with Sergeant Morgan.

"First of all, I am not your son. And second of all, mind your business," I hissed back.

He took a step towards me as my mom tried to grab him, "Adrian is a bad influence on you. He's nothing but trouble. He prove-"

"Don't you dare talk about my son that way," Adrian's dad stepped in. I always loved his dad.

"Mind your business. This is between me and Ace," my dad hissed back. "I don't want you around Adrian Ac-"

"You are not the boss of me Gary!" I exclaimed. Mrs. Harper kept a tight grip on my arm.

"I am your step dad Ace!" He yelled back.

"But not my dad!" I yelled right back.

"You will listen to me you fucking brat!" He yelled as he stepped towards me even more.

I saw Mr. Harper step in front of me, "Watch your mouth," he warned Gary.

"Don't tell me how to handle him!" Gary yelled.

My mom immediately stepped in, "Enough Gary! Don't speak to my son that way!" I was shocked that she defended me.

He scoffed as he stormed off. I felt my hands shaking slightly, Mrs. Harper grabbed them and held them tightly.

"I'm sorry to say this Mary, but if this is how he talks to Ace, I'd leave him," Mr. Harper said after a while.

My mom nodded as tears fell down her face, "This is all my fault. I knew it was a bad idea to bring him," she mumbled.

Mr. Harper sighed, "It's not your fault Mary. He went overboard. I won't let him talk that way to Ace and specially the way he talked about my son," he spoke softly.

"For what's it's worth Mary. I'll divorce him. Seeing the way he talks to Ace says enough," Mrs. Harper spoke as she rubbed circles on my hand. "And it breaks my heart to see Ace so shocked that his own mom defended him. Which says you don't do often," she admitted.

My mom looked down, "I'm trying to make things right."

I pulled away and walked to my mom. I pulled her into a tight hug, and she held onto me tightly. "I'll forgive you as long as you promise to not let him talk that way about Adrian again," I offered.

She laughed, "I'll get on his head for the way he talked to Adrian. But I'll defend you more baby."

I nodded as we pulled away. Adrian wrapped his arm around my shoulders, "Now, we are going to let y'all talk like adults while we go eat," he stated before dragging me away.

I caught Sergeant Morgan staring at me with a sad look in his eyes. I smiled and he smiled back before he was out of sight.


I was playing around with my food again as I stared off into the distance, Adrian broke the silence, "I snuck into one of the office's earlier and looked up Robert Walsh," he paused to eat a piece of fruit, "he has a son. His name is Chad. I clicked on the name and it pulled up a picture. The picture showed your roommate," he told me. "That's how he knew."

I sighed, "So I'm sharing a room with the child of someone who ruined my life?" I asked rhetorically. "Great."


It was about time for us to head back to our cabins whenever I heard Sergeant Morgan yell my name, "Ace come here," he called for me.

I walked over to him and stopped, "Yes sir?" I asked.

"About today-"

"I'm sorry about today, but I do not apologize for the way I talked to my step dad. But I do apologize for how it happened," I interrupted.

He chuckled, "I wasn't going to say anything about that," he informed. I looked at him confused, "I'm sorry for how he talked to you and treated you," he admitted.

I smiled at him playfully, "Not your fault."

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