Chapter 11

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TW: Attempted SA

I snapped out of my frozen state and snickered, "And I thought you were lying about the shed," I spoke up scaring them both.

They jumped apart as they turned to look at me, the boy pulled his pants up and ran out of the shed. Ben just looked frustrated and mad, "What the hell Ace?!" He exclaimed angrily.

I shrugged, "What? You interrupted Brian's conversation and insulted him that day, so I'm just returning the favor. But without the insulting part," I stated.

He stormed towards me and pushed me against the wall. That is when I noticed that he never pulled his pants up, I tensed when I felt his naked body push against me, "You interrupted me while I was fucking that boy," he growled at me.

I pushed against him, "Get the hell off of me you sick bastard," I growled at him. Weren't we just friends? I asked myself.

He grabbed my hands and spun me around, and pinned my hands against my back. I struggled against him as he pushed himself onto my backside, "Stay the fuck still," he growled at me as his hands started to pull my pants down. "Since you interrupted me, you can let me finish," he hissed at me. He started to kiss my neck and bite down roughly.

I struggled more as tears brimmed my eyes as I realized what he was doing, "Get off of me!!" I yelled at him.

He ignored me as he continued to pull my pants down. I heard the door open in the distance and I started to struggle more against Ben. He covered my mouth, "Make a sound and I'll show you rough," he growled in my ear.

I ignored him and bit his hand. He yanked his hand away has he yelped and I took the opportunity, "HELP ME!!" I screamed out.

He threw me on the ground and climbed on top of me and punched me in the face, "You fucking slut!" He growled.

I tried to push him off, but it was no use. Suddenly he was yanked off of me and I cried in relief, "What the fuck do you think you are doing?!" I heard an angry familiar voice. Adrian.

I felt hands on my shoulders and I jumped and moved away quickly, "G-Get off!!" I whimpered.

I heard someone grunt in the distance, "Get your pathetic ass out of here before I kill you," I heard Adrian growl.

A few seconds later, I saw Adrian kneel down in front of me, "Hey Ace.... It's me, Adrian," his voice was soft and gentle compared to a few seconds ago. "He's gone Ace," he whispered softly. I felt tears stream down my face. "Can I pull your pants back up or do you want to?" I heard him ask.

I let him help me pull them back up and I grabbed someone's hand, "Brian?" I asked.

"I'm right here," I heard his soft voice crack slightly.

"Help me get him up," I heard Adrian instruct Brian gently.

I felt separate hands go under my shoulder and drag me to my feet gently. I leaned my weight against Adrian and he helped me outside of the shed. They sat me down at a old bench that I saw while walking out here and Adrian stayed close to me, "Are you ok?" I heard Adrian ask.

I just nodded my head, "D-Don't tell Sergeant Morgan," I begged them.

They looked at each other and eventually agreed.


My mood has changed severly. I don't have the energy to do anything anymore, and I barely talk to Sergeant Morgan and he has started to worry. Adrian and Brian has tried talking to me, but I tune them out.

I was sitting in the room waiting for Lieutenant Smith to come in. I heard the door open and he walked in, he apologized but I just stayed quiet. He sat down in front of me and sighed, "Sergeant Morgan told me something has me worried and your friends mentioned it to me too," he started. I just stared at him, "Whatever happened Ace, you can tell me," he assured me.

I looked over to the door, wondering if I should just made a run for it. He noticed me looking over at the door, "Don't run out of this room Ace. I just want to help you Ace," he spoke gently.

For the rest of the time, I stayed quiet and didn't mutter a word to him. I was walking back to my cabin as my mind started to wonder. If I never gone in then, he would have never tried to force himself onto me.

I got into my cabin and saw Sergeant Morgan waiting for me, "Don't worry. I sent Chad away somewhere for a little while," he explained. I walked over to him and just climbed into his lap and held onto him tightly. He hugged me back as tightly, "What's wrong? Did something happen?" He asked me.

I decided I couldn't ignore him forever and decided to just come up with something, "What are we?" I asked him.

He pulled me back and looked at me confused, "What do you mean?" He asked back.

"Am I your boyfriend or what?" I asked more clearly.

He sighed and kissed my neck gently, "Is this what has been bothering you?" He asked and I nodded. It technically wasn't a lie cause it has been bothering me, just not the answer he was looking for. "Ok. Ace Johnson will you be my boyfriend?" He asked me sincerely.

I smiled into his neck, "Yes."

I felt him hug me even tighter as we stayed in our positions. I enjoyed the piece and silence for a little while.

Would I ever be able to tell him?


Later that night, I laid in bed as Chad's bed made noise as he shifted constantly in his sleep.

'I had to tell Alexander, right?' I thought to myself. 'But would he believe me even if I got Adrian and Brian to admit that it was true?' My thoughts kept on piling up after every little outcome of what might happen if he finds out.

Then I made up my mind. I will tell him.

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