8. truth, bitter truth

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 Tree Hill

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Tree Hill

(based on season 2)

Ethan, Lucas and Nathan were putting their suitcases in the trunk of Nathan's car. The boys were going on a trip to Charlotte. For Luke, the trip was about watching a live NBA game, but the real reason for the trip was that Nathan had arranged for the three boys to take the HCM exam. Nathan had told Ethan a while ago, who had accepted, but neither boy had had the courage to explain it to Luke.

When Ethan learned that Dan's heart condition was genetic, Ethan went to talk to Keith. But Keith tried to get the boy to let it go, and that Ethan had nothing to worry about. Well, that wasn't very comforting. Ethan was still worried about his father.

While the boys were getting into the car, Nathan mentioned that he had gotten tickets with incredible seats.


Emma was going to the CD store with Brooke and Haley. Haley was explaining to Brooke how she was going to make money selling her CDs.

"So, Nathan is going to Charlotte with Luke and Ethan tonight. And it's my first night alone in the apartment." Haley told the girls.

Brooke cracked a huge smile and began to slap Emma on the arm.

"Oh, do you know what we should do?" Brooke asked. "We should have a slumber party." Brooke said.

Emma straightened her arm.

"Seriously, we haven't done that since like Junior year." Brooke said and looked at Emma.

"Brooke, that's not true. You sleep over very often." Emma said, looking at Brooke.

"It's not the same as a slumber party, Emm's." Brooke explained.

The girls, who were still walking towards the store, looked at Haley, who was still silent.

"I don't know. I haven't done that since.....never." Haley said.

"What?!" Brooke and Emma asked together.

Brooke then started talking about all the reasons why Haley should have a slumber party.

The girls entered the store, Chris Keller answered the girls. Brooke handed the boy her CDs, to which he proceeded to badmouth them all. Chris Keller then asked if Haley had ever heard one of his demos, Haley said yes and then Chris Keller offered Haley to participate in one of his songs, Haley agreed. Chris Keller then told Haley that it was tonight. Chris then went to write down the address for Haley.

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