5. champagne for my real friends & the worst day since yesterday

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 Tree Hill

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Tree Hill

(based on season 3)

Emma was sitting on a bench next to Peyton, Rachel and the other cheerleaders when Brooke came in like a hurricane, calling the girls traitors for being civil to Rachel. Rachel seemed to have no patience to deal with it and was getting up to leave, but Tim's voice interrupted her.

"Play us or trade us." Tim said, opening his arms and smiling.

Emma frowned and looked in the boy's direction, Nathan, Lucas, Ethan and the other players were together.

"What are you babbling about?" Brooke asked Tim.

"The boy draft. We know all you girls got together and drafted us to be your little love dolls, so we just wanna know the results." Tim explained.

Emma laughed and ducked her head so that Tim wouldn't notice. If Tim were a little less Tim, maybe he'd have better luck with girls.

"It was a fantasy draft, Tim." Brooke clarified to the boy. "You know like the fantasies you have about Nathan. Not real."

Rachel was looking at Brooke and then turned in Tim's direction.

"What do you have in mind?"

"Dates. Tonight. You pay." Tim said.

Ethan and the other boys were holding back their laughter at Tim's attempt.

"Okay. Sounds good."

When Rachel agreed, Ethan looked in the direction of his girlfriend, who had made a point of winking in his direction. Emma stood up and was walking towards Ethan.

"So, who picked me?" Tim asked, looking at the girls.

Emma walked over to Tim and patted him on the shoulder.

"I'm sorry, buddy. But... it wasn't this time." Emma replied.

Tim kept asking the other girls who had chosen him.

Emma held Ethan's hand, the two teenagers moving a little away from the other teenagers.

"Do you have something in mind, Pompons?" Ethan asked the girl.

"Yes, I do. Will you come over around 6?"

Ethan nodded, placing his thumb under the girl's chin to give his girlfriend a kiss. Emma always felt like she was on cloud nine every time Ethan kissed her, it felt like they were wrapped in a protective plastic bubble.

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