Chapter 3 Odd

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Nai's POV
Anger rose inside of me. I felt like my whole body was going crazy. I was worried about her. I couldn't stop walking around and waiting what had happened. I prepared myself with the worst that could happen. I knew White was more than capable of fighting back physically, but yet she couldn't done it this time. There must be something beyond her expectations.

"Nai, she's going to be alright", Tibet said whilst patting the back of Nai.
"I know you're upset about what had happened but let's just wait for the results okay?", he added.
"Please leave me alone for a while", Nai said out of frustration.

The next day, Maki started to investigate the scene. She was investigating in the storage room and Tibet joined her. She was struck when she found a camera that was destroyed with a chip still intact in it.
"Maki, there's a rope here and there seems to be some stains."
Maki knew that this was a retaliation defense from her friend, White. Her eyes were filled with tears as she tries to collect herself. She still imagined her body yesterday. Her face with some bruises as well as red blood, everywhere. The smell of the fresh blood still left a memory in her.
"Let's collect all the evidence in a bag."
"I'm sure it could help us out one way or another."

Tibet and Maki then headed to Run's office. They wanted to ask him regarding her situation.
"P'Run, do you have any news?", she asked her brother.
"Well, sit down", he said in a serious tone.
They both sat down closer to him, waiting for him to speak.

Here, the situation isn't that great right now. Her condition is kinda unstable as for now and the police has been investigating since yesterday. They couldn't really find anything. They think that she might have just been in a incident. Maybe she had accidently or purposely hurt herself. But accidents are more likely to happen.

"Will she be fine?", Tibet asked.

Not a single word was uttered from his mouth. His eyes facing the cold ground.

"I'm not sure", he continues.
"Let's just hope for the best".

"When can we visit here? When can she go home?-", her questions keep on going. She was stopped by Tibet, signalling her to go out.

Nai's POV:
It was 12 am and I just couldn't get some eye shut time. Honestly, I'm worried about White, a lot. Well, everyone is. Our school was just safe and now look. Tragedies seem to follow this place, it was as if it was wicked.

The next day arrived and everyone couldn't sleep that much. They were all worried about the situation.

Homeschool has invented a new event every month to let students contact their parents for those who could and want to.

Nai opened his phone and dialled his father's phone number to video call him. His father immediately picks up. Their relationship was far from close. Yet since the last incident the duo has been warming to each other.

"Nai, how are you doing there? Where are your friends?"
"I'm just preparing for the next class, my friends are over there", he says as he shifts his camera to Maki and Tibet.
"You look so stiff, did something happen?"
Nai just simply smiled at him and told him that nothing had happened.
He couldn't get himself to simply admit that yes, something did happen. 
"I can manage here, are you managing well there?"
"Yes ofc, sorry Nai, I think I have to go now, I have a meeting soon".
"Okay dad, take care."
The call ended between them and he completed his homework. His father had always Ben such a busy person. His thoughts were interrupted when Phenneung told him to go to the library. He knew Maki had known something about White's incident. Maki started explaining everything to them and the clues she had found. It was all weird. The broken camera, the rope and police saying they didn't find any evidence even though there were clearly big signs. She thought to herself, why would the authorities do such a thing.
"It is odd though", Phleng commented.
"Exactly, something's not right", Nai said.
"Perhaps Maki's brother knew something?, Phenneung said.
"I have already asked P'Run, earlier with Tibet, Maki told them.
"Help me restore the camera, it's our mission for now."

NaiWhite TibetMaki Enchanting Homeschool Where stories live. Discover now