Chapter 7 Ego

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Run's POV:

I know I was wrong. I didn't know what got into me at that time. I wanted the best for my sister. We may not be blood related but it doesn't matter. Until I die, she would always be mine. To this point, I did everything for her. Every point in my life, I had reached with her, as a motivation. I wouldn't have been able to escape homeschool if it weren't for Maki. Once again, I couldn't make it up to her. Today, I will. How can I treat my sister and her friends like that. I wanted to protect her because I wouldn't do so. For 7 years, I left her all alone. I lied for her sake. I did it again. I was stupid. I don't think she would forgive me but she would always do. She was strong enough without me. I'm always proud of her. Even when she entered homeschool, she already became class president.

"Maki, I'm sorry. Listen to me, I was stupid. I didn't know what had gotten in me. I'm sorry for everything. You had always been such a good sister to me. While I'm the complete opposite. I had abandoned you for years and now exchanging your best friend's safety in return of yours. I understand if you can't forgive me. But, I just want you to know that I love you. Thank you for being strong all these years. I wanted to apologize properly. I-.." His apology was stopped by her embrace. She didn't say a single word. She just simply hugged him.

"I'm sorry P'Run, I saw your letter. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you." Maki said.

Last night, Maki had accidentally came across her brother's letter. It was written by himself.

Day 1
I'm stuck in the basement. I'm worried about my sister. I tried escaping yet only managed to get to the gate. I need to come up with a plan.

Day 345
Will I get out of here? I hope my sister won't come here. I hope she's safe. Has she eaten well? I'm sorry, Maki. Wait for me.

Day 2189
Its already 6 years. Maki, wait for me. I promise I will come and see you soon. Don't come to homeschool this year.

His letters were from year 1-7. Maki simply read some of it. Her tears fell within every word. He had gotten stuck in homeschool for so long. Yet, when he had escaped no one asked whether he was fine. She had never asked her brother any questions regarding his situation. She had always gotten upset on why he had never replied to her letters at the orphanage. Now, she knew why. Her heart ached as she reached the last page.

Day 2740
I did it. My sister is safe. Homeschool is safe. Everyone is safe.

He had tried for 7 years. In such a stark isolation, he had finally succeeded. It wasn't his fault. But in some way, he did lie to his sister. He wasn't fully right or wrong. That's how humans are. It depends on how we percieve things. The villain could be a hero to his own thought. Yet a villain to the public. We can't decide how people percieve things. But we can make sure we did the right thing.

Run laughed. He told Maki to stop crying as he apologized again.
"I'm sorry, I didn't think that was your diary." Maki said.
"Diary? Nope, it's just my journal." Run said.
"It's the same thing!" Maki said.
"Okay, you're right." Run said.
"Thank you for not giving up." Maki said.
"Mhm, thanks for waiting for me." Run said as he carreses his sister's back.

The day passed as usual and Run was sitting at his office. A knock came after another.
"Come in." Run said.
"Eh? Tibet?."
"Come, sit. Why do you look so nervous? Are you alright?."

"Well... I wanted to ask you something. It's regarding about well your sister." Tibet said.
"Go ahead." Run said.
"Well, I wanted to ask your permission her." Tibet said.

Run was shocked. He was shocked but he wasn't at the same time. Obviously he knew they were already flirting. Here and there. The fact he asked to date her made him even more confident in her future boyfriend, Tibet.

"Sure." Run said.
"But I have a problem, I'm not sure if she feels the same way." Tibet said
"I'm sure Maki likes you back. After all, I've never seen her look at someone that way before." Run said.
"Don't worry, you have my permission, I trust you, Tibet. Make sure you take care of her well. If you hurt her in any way, you won't have an easy time." Run said.
"Of course, I will. Thank you." Tibet said.

That night Tibet asked Maki to go to their usual spot. It was time.
"Tibet, why did you call me here?" Maki said.
"Well, I wanted to ask you something important." Tibet said.
"Hmm? What is it?" Maki said.
"Would you be my girlfriend?"

Maki was stunned. She had liked him. Alot. Yet she could not say a single word. Her heart beat went so fast that she thought she was gonna faint.

"I understand if you're not ready. It's alright." Tibet continued.
"Let's date." Maki said.

She laid her head on his broad shoulders. He wasn't the tallest, smartest or handsome man she knew. But all she needed was someone that understood her. Tibet, was her answer. He had filled all the years she had to be on her own, without her brother, nor her parents.

Run had seen them from the side of the walls. He was shocked to see that the other students were spying on them.

"Shh." They all said.
"Sorry." Run said.
"Eh? Master Run??"White said.
"Don't call me that." Run chuckled.
"I'm glad my sister found someone, someone good." Run said.
"Me too." They replied.

The moment he saw Tibet, he knew he cared for his sister a lot. The worried look on his face when she was shot in the forest. How he stared at his sister numerous times. It was always an obvious conclusion. He was the one for his sister. He was also shocked that Tibet had asked his permission to court his sister. After all, if their parents were alive, he would ask them instead of him. Yet he didn't use that fact as a permission. Even if her brother wasn't here, he would ask her bestie. He was now reassured, that his sister had found the one.

Note: I hope you all could give your suggestions as we progress on the story. It probably won't be too long. Thank you and happy reading! I appreciate your votes 😄

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