Chapter 9 Reason

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Sirens were heard throughout the whole school. The principal of the school and the committee went out to see the commotion. There were at least 3 police cars. They had asked the police on what had happened. Clearly, this situation happened out of the blue. The authorities told them that they needed to ask one of their students some questions. Someone named White. Right, what did she do this time? All of them thought to themselves. White had come out and the police were asking her all kinds of stuff it turns out it was about her parents death. They had told her that a detective was interested in this case and would like to do a reinvestigation. She agreed and had told them everything that went down. Now, they suddenly tell her that her aunt was involved in using overdosed medicine and some drugs. She was caught a couple weeks ago. She is now put in a mental hospital.
"If this continues, it could end in the worst way possible." The police stated.

Honestly, she didn't care about her aunt anymore. She could die for heaven's sake. Sure, some may say you must forgive and forget. But can you really forgive and forget someone who ruined your entire family including yourself? After all, she's just a teenager in this boarding school. She can't do much of it.

They had taken her to visit her aunt at the hospital. Well, mental hospital. It's not like she cared. She could rot all she wanted.
"White, get me out of here. Please? I'll give you back your house." Her aunt said.
"Why would I get you out of here? You need to finish your treatment here."
"At least, bring me my children." Her aunt said.
"No. I'll go back to homeschool." She said.
"Admit what you did." She continued.
"I didn't mean too, okay? They just wouldn't give me enough money. They kept telling me how they needed it for you. It's not like I wasn't gonna pay them back..." Her aunt said.
"You killed them." She said as she pressed against the walls between them.
"It doesn't matter. Her aunt said going back to her snorty look. In the end, no one will ever know. It's just such a shame that they never got to see you grow up later on."
"You're a fucking monster. I wish you all the best." She said as she sent her aunt a middle finger.

Not even in a span of 24 hours. The police told her that she had passed away due to suicide. The relief she felt, was better than anything in this world. One would argue that she was an apathetic person. Was her aunt a sympathetic person when she knew how much it hurt when her parents passed away? Just when her 2 supporting pillars fell apart, another incident, her aunt shook her. One may say, her personality isn't an excuse. But how can someone judge something without the details? The whole school committee told her to attend her aunt's funeral. No matter how much they asked her, she would never. She'd rather die then pay respect to the blood related murderer of her parents. White couldn't cry, or say anything. She just lived there. She was surprised when she felt something beside her.
"Eat up. It's your favourite meatballs." Nai smiled at her.
She looked at him but didn't do anything.
"I made it for you. You know, you really look cute right now." He said as he gripped her hands.
She smiled a bit. She didn't know how she could smile in this situation. After all, he was one of the only ones who actually understood her. He could tell if she didn't want to talk about anything. Sure, she's got a few of her friends. But they didn't understand her "way" of comfort like he does. He was truly her "x" to her "y".
"You know, you don't have to go to the funeral. You can just stay with me, here. I'll be beside you." He said assuring her.
She smiled at him and laughed a bit. He looked so sad yet he wanted to be with her.
"Why? What happened?" He innocently asked.
She had laid her head on his chest. Sooner or later, she fell asleep.
Run had passed by and wasn't pleasant by this behaviour. Well, they could do it outside the building, at least. Nai had reasoned with him that he was just doing his "boyfriend duties."

(Damn, he's so single he could be with me hehehe 😭)

In the end, she didn't visit her funeral. Instead she went to her parents' graveyard.
"Mom, dad. I miss you." Her tears fell.
"My aunt killed you for money?"
"Why can't you tell me from up there?"
"The case was closed already."
"I couldn't fix anything."
"Idk if you could see me if I'm not near your resting place, but I'm okay now. I have a boyfriend. Don't worry, I'll introduce you to him the next time I come here, I promise. He's not a playboy or anything. He's quite the opposite, really. I also have my friends who truly care about me. Thanks for everything you've both given me. I managed to find the right way. I'm not lost anymore. Unlike the last time here. I hated everything. Now, everyone loves me. At least respected me."

She cleaned herself up and headed back to school by the minibus. She didn't know what to feel but she understood that finally, she was free. She was free from everything, her aunt, her past and now she has her free present. She was grateful for everything she had. She has her friends and her so-called x and also her true self. She found herself in someone else. She had finally found what she had been seeked for her whole life she had been trying so hard. Just finding herself maybe she didn't need to change She needed to change her environment an environment of which they loved her. She is forever grateful for her surroundings.

Sometimes, humans are meant to be dead. Rather than living to do harm to the universe.

It's alright to hate someone. After all, it is your heart, not someone else's.

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