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So much has happened since yesterday. My head is still muddled.

"Hey," Alan came up to me.

"Oh hi,"

"Let's get going,"

"Okay but where exactly are we heading to?"

"I'll see you off to your workplace."

"What?" You don't have to go to so much trouble."

"Come on. Do you a problem with that? Or you wont take my car?"

"No, that's not it."

"Then, get a move on!"

I feel so light, like my feet aint touching the ground.

I stepped into the backseat of his sports car.

"Wouldnt most Omega would want to sit on the passenger's seat if they were in your shoes,"he asked as he starts the engine.

"Aren't you selective about who gets to ride in the passenger's seat with you?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Like maybe, Pit Babe?"

"You believed that rumors too?" he asked in a sigh.

"They say, when there's smoke, there's bound to be fire."

"And if I said I was different?"

"I'd believe you of course."

"Bah, you sure have no sense of competitiveness."

I feel like this conversation had taken a bad turn.

It was silent for a moment till he asked again," What's your reason for not taking the passenger's seat?"

I pondered," I thought it would be rude to just hop onto it."

"Heh, you put a little thought into this one."

"A little..?" He doesnt know the first thing about me, so why has he been talking presumptively?

"I guess it would take a pretty shallow man to just slide into the passenger's seat.

"Well, isnt it rude that I look like your chauffer now?"

"I didn't say anyhing like that sir."

We chatted back and forth and before I knew it, we had arrived at the my office.

"Thanks for the ride."

"No big deal, it was on the way."

Does he work around this area? I wonder.

"Well, I will be taking my leave now."

"Later, " he said.

I bowed my head low and stepped out of the car.

Alan Hemmawich is an amazing guy but I'll doubt we will meet again.

I set my bag on my desk and promptly joined the editor's meeting.

"I'm so sorry for being late."

"Hey Good Morning, "Chief Tony said.

"Good Afternoon," I said. Is he being sarcastic?

Who is that person sitting across from the editor in chief? I've never seen him before but they're talking so I shouldnt interrupt.

"I see, you're using executive flex time, Mr Jeff."an old timer remarked.

Whoa, what an office snob. "I'm terribly sorry for being late."

"It's no big deal. If the editor in chief says its fine then its fine."

Ughhh, he's got teeth. But it was a fact that I was late so what can I say? "I will be more careful in future."

"See that you do. Dealing with a hangover 'flex time' for a press party is more than I can stand."

"I'm sorry."

"Now, now," Chief Tony interrupted us.

I finally got seated and joined the meeting.

"Now then about the upcoming special feature article. It would be no exaggeration that Cinderella's fate depends on it."

Wow, it sounded exclusive and big.

"The truth is, I managed to win the rights to do a serial story on a major idol performer. This is the manager's idol, Mr Pop Pataraphol."

The man that has just been speaking to Chief, bowed his head to everyone.

And, someone opens the door, walked in, toying with the car keys on his fingers. It was..........


He smiled sweetly at me. 'What's up? How's the meeting going?"

A murmur ran through the editing department.

"Took you long enough, Alan." his manager said.

"I had some business," he explained.

"Hey Jeff, arent you being a little too familiar with Mr Alan? Dont tell me that you two knew each other beforehand?"the old timer remarked.

"We sort of met during yesterday's party coverage." I admitted. thats awkward.

"Its the real Alan Hemmawich," 1st Omega editor gushed.

"I'm Alan Hemmawich, nice to meet you all," he looked at me with a pointed smirk.

He knew about this and kept it quiet. So that's why he said that editor in chief wouldn't be mad.

"We've made a contract to cover Mr Alan in a serial story for the next 6 months."

"Wow, that's too much,"2nd Omega editor said happily.

"A special feature on Alan Hemmawich? Great catch! I hope I get the assignment."

Alan's got everyone riveted. I suppose he would. I'm amazed to have spend the time that I did with him earlier."

"On that note, we'll be taking pictures of his daily life and covering his comments. As for the one in charge of this close coverage....."Chief Tony said.

"You do it," Alan cuts in, pointing at me.

"Yes?" I was shocked. I felt a lot of invisible daggers thrown on my way."Now that you mentioned it, Jefg introduced herself to Mr Alan yesterday evening."

"Is that right Alan?" his manager asked.

Alan nodded.

"it's rare for you to remember the faces of any press." Pop commented.

"Because this one asked a hell of a question with a weird lead-in. Even if I don't care for that, it leaves an impression." Alan replied.

'Are you okay with this Jeff?"Chief Tony asked.

"Hmm, I dont think I quite follow what all of you are talking about."

I'm so confused, thanks to my hangover. Ok, I confess I am not that bright.

"What, are you going to turn it doen after I nominated you?" Alan asked, pissed off.

"What? No, that's not what I meant..."

"You'll do it right?" he asked.

Why do I feel like I am walking right into a trap?

"Okay," I agree. I just couldnt go against whatever this man says.......

"Nice going Jeff!"1st editor said.

"If you're doing a story on Alam, don't forget that we'll help out whenever we can."

I forced a smile at them,"Thank you,"

"This coverage will have plenty of private shots." Chief Tony said. "And to be more specific. I think you'll take a plenty of them with your digital camera, Jeff."

"You wont have a camera man with us? "

"If we know the schedule in advance, I can arrange for one but just assume you'll be taking most of them.

"Understood." That means I'd better keep a digital camera around at all times....

SEDUCED IN SLEEPLESS CITY (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now