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Alan's drunk?....Why is he hugging me?

"Whew, you always settle me down,"Alan whispered into my ears and hold me tighter.

"H-hold on, Alan! Are you drunk?" I struggle free but he was way too strong for me.

If this got photographed again....

"Yea, I'm drunk, but that's not what's got me doing this.'

"Why are you taking such liberties?"

He pushed me away slightly from his body and looked at me," What liberties?"

"You said I wasnt your type!!"

"Look, that was.... You think I could speak my heart in front of my brother and Marsha?"

Is he saying, that wasnt how he really felt?

"Then what about Babe? Why dont you go to him instead?"

I pushed myself away from him with all my strength and walks away.

But he caught my arm and turn me over and hugs me again.

I struggled to break free but he wont let me go until I finally relented and stopped. No point struggling against something that you cant win on.

"I feel better upon seeing your face. Let's go hit a club or something."

He tugged my arm like usual.

Oh, how I missed his touch.

'Hey, hold on..."

"I havent listened to any music in a while. C'mon"

"You're being forceful again..." I protest but he ignores me and tugged me again and left the hotel.

Wow, so many foreigners.....

Alan brought me to a large, gorgeous club.

"Come right in..."the usher said.

"Do you come here often?" I asked.

"Mm, when I have the time."

We were shown to the velvet VIP seating inside.

"Are you hungry? Want aanything to eat?"

"Its pretty late. I've already had dinner so I'm full."

"Yeah? Thenn get some chocolate or something... You should have an appetite for chocolate right?"

'Sure, if its chocolate."

"Seperate stomach for that huh?"he teases.

"I have seperate stomachs for sweets, sushi and grilled meats."

"How many seperate stomachs do you have?"

I pouted,"I am really stuffed."

He smiles. "Then come and dance with me a little."

"What? But I-I cant dance."

"Just play along."

"I cant do that...Ack!"

Alan took my hand and led me to the crowded dance floor.

"Wh-what should I do?"

"Just watch me and follow my lead."

Well I guess Alan is used to dancing... Boy, he really draws attention...

Its like he's got this overwhelming aura about him.

"You're really good at this"

"Its all in the motor reflexes. Wait, you've never seen me dance before?"

SEDUCED IN SLEEPLESS CITY (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now