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Today was my first meeting with Mr Mix Sahaphap  about the magazie feature.

Ahh..I'm really nervous. He is an internationally successful businessman...

"Straighten up, Mr Mix will be here any
minute now," an old timer Editor said.


The door to the editorial room opened, and in swept a man representing a strong aura followed by another person.

"I'm Mix. I'm very pleased to meet you."

"Its nice to meet you too... My name is Jeff Thanapon. I'm in charge of planning."

He's even prettier in person..His skin is so smooth and you can tell he oozes confidence...

I wonder if the guy behind him is his assistant?

"Hello,"he spoke with a big smile. "So you're Jeff. I heard all about you. You're Alan's boyfriend, arent you?"


I never thought Mix knows about me!

"Yes, that' right."

"I heard that Alan was head over heels in love so I was dying to meet you!"

Who did he hear that from..?

I've never met Alan's father... Could it have been Alan himself...?

"Oh, sorry to keep you standing. Please take a seat."

"There is no need to be so formal. It is my first store opening here so I'll need you to tell me all the things the local Omegas are into. So lets be friends!"

"Yes of course. You can count on me!"

He's a lot easier to talk to than what I had imagined. I'm so glad.

"Oh, so that's what the Omegas here like at the moment!"

"That's right, and there's also this...........

"Ooh! Look at that! I've never seen that attached to a cell phone before!? Today's city guy's are really fashionable! Isnt this just divine?"

"It is! I've always wanted to see that in stores,"I said.

But the old timer editor asked, "But Jeff, wouldnt that be a bit difficult to include as a freebie?"

Mix's secretary who has been quiet all along spoke up," I agree. Mix... A freebie isnt the same as something you can buy from the store... The cost would be..."

"But this is really cute, "Mix protested. "What do you think Jeff?"

"Well, if this is a hit perhaps it would have a commercial value?"I answered.

"Yes but..." the secretary said but I cut him off.

"Then wouldnt it be interesting to test it out? And we know what is considered trendy right now."

"But a freebie is a freebie after all. We cannot go overboard, "the editor said firmly.

"But you never know how it'll turn out until you try," I said determinedly, not willing to give up. "There is a war going on between magazines at the moment for the best freebies and the advertising department might adjust the profit margins a bit. And I'll try to get in contact with a manufacturer friend of mine."

"Oh, thanks Jeff!" Mix said happily."You re completely right. It would be a shame to shy away from this opportunity just when we are opening our first
store here.I'll put up some funds as well."

I can see exactly where Mix is coming from and he understands everything I am trying to get across....

"But Mix...."

SEDUCED IN SLEEPLESS CITY (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now