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A/N ~ Shall we do a countdown? 5 more chappies to go after this.....


That day, I was being hounded to write copy in the editing department.

Oh, here's a picture of Alan eating a kebab.....

The kiss, the banquet, the parting words... My face grew flushed just remembering it all.

"Oh, Jeff. Your serial story and photography are both in top form. Last issue made a huge splash!" Editor-in-Chief said, giving me a big smile.

"You mean the one with Alan at the hot spring?"

"Yes, that's the one! Take some more money shots like that one."

They're not that easy to take......

"You sure got a bigshot editor attitude Jeff,"an old timer commented out loud. Enough for everyone to hear.

Kim who happened to be at my desk, whispered, "Dont get all upset because you happened to get picked for a full time assignment on Alan. How about gathering some end-of-issue reader presents?"Kim suggested.

Eversince I got put on this story, I've been the target of people's hatred....

"Dont listen to that Jeff,"an editor said to me.

"Yeah, they're just jealous that they are old timer but yet they didnt get picked for it."a young editor adds in.

A lot of colleagues was consoling me but my mind was too preoccupied with the talk of presents.

Reader presents huh...What would they like?

"Yes, I was thinking of something for a reader present.. I see, I understand."

I put down the phone dejectedly. Aww, turned down again... I still only have two so far....

"Jeff, was that a phone call for a reader's present?"

"Yes... but with the small frame on the present page," I answered. "All I'm getting from people is that they cant give any goods. I'm getting turned down everywhere..."

"Yeah, that happens. I've had a rough time with that before myself,"the senior editor said, feeling my pressure. "But there's sure to be somewhere that will offer one, so dont give up."

"Thank you very much!"

But after calling around all through the night, I was still stuck with the first two items and nothing else.

"Its already 11pm..I'm in real trouble. Hardly anything's been settled even at this point......."

"Kim, are you putting in overtime too?"

He nodded. "I'm finally done. What about you Jeff? You should be ready to go by this late, right?"

I pressed my head to my desk, knocking my forehead on the table lightly.

"Actually, I havent gotten the reader presents settled yet, and they're due tomorrow..."

Kim looks at me sadly."Reader's presents huh? Its tough gathering those."

"Tell me about it. I've never done it before," I lamented.

"If you're in trouble, why dont you consult Way for help?"Kim suggested. 'He's got financial connections. He could gather some in a snap, I bet."

I stopped moving. Way eh......

I do not think its a good idea futhermore, I dont want Alan to have any more misunderstanding between me and his brother.

SEDUCED IN SLEEPLESS CITY (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now