Chapter 4

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"What do you want from me huh?" He asked, eyes blazing with anger and frustration. "You-you want me to apologize for wanting to know where my girlfriend is all day?" He walked closer to me putting a hand on the car above me trapping me between him and the car and I can tell that my lack of an answer is making him more mad. "Is that what you want?!" His scream caught me off guard and I jumped a little bit. I stayed quiet not wanting to set him off further. Rafe's never laid a hand on me but sometimes I get scared that anger is going to fly off the handle and I won't be able to stop it. "Or...maybe... you just like pissing me off." He whispered, and used his free hand to caress my cheek. "Maybe you like seeing the rise you get out of me." His hand trailed down my body and I could feel my heart rate pick up as it moved further down.

I swallowed a lump in my throat as his hand moved down the side of the dress down to the bottom. "That's probably why you wore such a short dress right?" He thought out loud, and sometimes I'm amazed by what goes on in his brain. "You knew I'd be mad but you wore it anyway." He moved even closer to me so we're practically chest to chest and I can feel him pushing against me. If only he wasn't so fucking

"Probably." | responded, knowing that's not the case but I'm too excited to see where this is gonna go. Rafe may have an explosive temper, but when that temper gets let out in the bedroom it almost makes all of those moments worth it.

"Thought so." He mumbled against my lips and then crashed his to mine. Within seconds the kiss picked up in intensity and his hand slipped under the bottom of the dress, and he started rubbing against me, making my head drop backwards a bit at the feeling. "Fuck." He muttered, and looked behind him to make sure no one can see us. It's getting darker out and the party's still in full swing. He leaned back in and smashed his lips to mine again still rubbing me beneath the dress.

I reached for him and palmed him through his pants making him let out a sigh of relief at the friction. I went to drop to my knees for him but he stopped me. "As much as I love it when I fuck your mouth, I don't want your pretty knees getting scraped up." I looked down at the blacktop below and I know he's right that probably would hurt a lot. He kissed me again this time much harsher and then pulled back again. "I need you right now." I took in his eyes completely clouded with lust. And adrenaline pumped through me at the thought of someone seeing us.

"What about-"

"You think I give a shit if anyone sees?" Rafe being so in control in these scenarios is a total turn on to me. He grabbed my arm and spun me around forcefully and my hands pressed against whoever's window this is. "I hope they all do."

At this point I don't even care about the possibility of any of those people walking up here. I need him probably just as much as he needs me.
Within a second he tapped my leg with his hand telling me to spread more to give him room and finally I felt the pressure of him inside me making us both let out a loud moan. "I don't think you realize how fucking insane you make me." He whispered as he began thrusting into me. I couldn't even think clearly enough to come up with a response as my head dropped down in front of me. He moved faster and harder with each one and I can't even hide how good he's making me feel right now. "That's right baby tell all those fucking pogues and kooks who's making you feel like this."

"Fuck Rafe!" I blurted out, knowing I'm not going to last much longer. He reached down and started rubbing me while thrusting, throwing me over the edge. "Shit!" | yelled as I reached my high. His movements got more sloppy and he clutched onto me tightly as he finished. Both of us stayed like that for a second as we caught our breath, and he pulled out, slipping his shirt off and cleaning himself with it before looking at me and passing it to me to clean up.


"I'm sorry." I apologized. "I should be more transparent with you." As much as I hate to admit it I was definitely partially in the wrong here.

"I'm sorry too I should trust you more." He actually apologized which is a shock. "I just love you a lot and I don't want to lose you." My heart ached at his words.

"You're not going to lose me Rafe, I love you." I reassured him. Despite the craziness that is him I do love him. He walked closer to me before placing a sweet kiss on my lips and I smiled at him.

"You wanna get outta here?" He asked, and I nodded, allowing him to slip his arm around my waist and guide me with him to his car.


Pope's Pov

The Kegger last night was a complete disaster. Molly and Rafe (shockingly) got into an argument and left early. I struck out with every girl I talked to. John B and Topper went at it and he nearly killed JB. And to make things even more messed up, Ju shot a gun in the air and now all the kooks know he has the gun. We all sat in JB's backyard as we waited for Molly. "You sure she's coming?" Kie asked, and JB nodded.

"She said she's on her way."

"Maybe her and Rafe finally broke up." I remarked, and all of them shot me a look. It's no secret to them I've had a crush on her for a long time. Who wouldn't? She's smart, sweet, and gorgeous.

"I don't think so dude." JU said with a laugh, and I gave him a confused look. "I uh...kinda saw her and Rafe smashing in the parking lot last night."

"You are such a creep JJ!" Kie scolded him and my heart sank.

"I wasn't trying to creep they were in plain sight what was I supposed to do?" He defended himself, but knowing JJ he definitely didn't walk away.

"Ugh, you're gross."

"How am I the gross one?!" I tuned out the two of them bickering as Molly pulled up to the house.

"Sorry I'm late guys." She apologized and I had to try hard not to stare at her. She looks so damn beautiful, just like she does everyday.

"Long night?" JJ teased and she gave him a confused look.

"I guess?"

"I'm calling this off." JB announced catching all of our attention. "Peterkin said if I stay out of the marsh for a few days she'll help me out."

"I'm calling this off." JB announced catching all of our attention. "Peterkin said if I stay out of the marsh for a few days she'll help me out."

"And you believed her?! An actual cop?" JJ questioned.

"Well what was I supposed to do?! And it doesn't help that you shot a gun!"


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