Chapter 23

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I pulled up to the dingy trailer park and shuddered at the thought of being here. I parked the car, and decided on leaving the gun inside of it in case I really need it. Since I'm here bringing him money I can't see it going south. The moon shone in the sky and gave me just enough light to see him sitting by the fire in the back of his trailer. At the sound of my footsteps he turned around. "Look who it is." He chuckled and I swallowed a lump in my throat. "You either got my money, or you just that stupid." He remarked, standing up from his chair.

"I have half." I said, and held up the stack of money. He squinted his eyes at me and shook his head.

"Well that's all well and good baby but half ain't gone cut it." He took a step closer to me and I took one back making him let out a laugh.

It's not necessarily fear, but he's easily the most vile human I've ever encountered and I'd like to keep as much space between us as possible.

"I want all my money."

"And you'll get time." I tried to reassure him. "I can't withdraw that much cash at once without it sending an alarm and putting a hold on the account."

"Well shit you shouldn't be needing to withdraw anything considering you stole the goddamn money bag right out my house." He countered and that's a good point, if I had it. "In fact you know what princess?!" He stormed closer to me. "I'm gonna keep this cash, and I want the 25k you and your little rat friends stole from me." My eyes widened at this.

"No! That's not how this works! I paid you half I'll get you the other half-"

"Well consider this interest." He taunted me and I feel like I'm going to be sick. "And everyday you make me wait is another 5k added onto that." He got way too close now and all I want is to leave. He went to put his hand on my cheek and I slapped it away quickly.

"Don't touch me!" I hissed.

"Who's gonna stop me huh?!"

"Me." I shifted my gaze from him to Rafe, who stood behind him with the gun from my car in his hand, pointed straight at Barry's head.

"Shit Country Club I was wonderin when you were gonna pop in." Barry said with a laugh, but when he turned and saw Rafe's expression his smirk was quick to slip off his face. "Hey man." Barry put his hands up. "You don't gotta-" Rafe cut him off by pistol whipping him upside the head making my jaw drop and Barry fall to the ground in pain. "WHAT THE F-"

Rafe kicked him while he was down and delivered blow after blow. "Rafe." I tried to stop him as Barry began to look like he's unconscious. He groaned out in pain and Rafe put the gun back to his head.


"Rafe!" Panic crept through me at how violent he's being. I know he's in one of those phases and I'm not sure if I'll be able to stop him.

"YOU HEAR ME?!" The gun clicked, signaling all he has to do is pull the trigger.

"Rafe stop!" | pleaded,

"Y-yeah man." He somehow managed to choke out.

"From this point on you're even. You leave her out of this shit! Do you understand me?!" I watched as Barry nodded with whatever strength he could muster and Rafe kept the gun at his head. Is he actually debating this right now?!

"Rafe please stop!" Tears formed in my eyes. I know this is my fault, because of my outburst earlier, but when I said I wanted him to protect me I didn't mean killing someone. His eyes locked on mine and I can see how cold they are. This isn't Rafe right now, this is the other side of him that terrifies me.

Molly Wescott ~Rafe Cameron~Where stories live. Discover now