Chapter 5

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Molly's Pov

"A gun?!" I asked them, wondering what the hell I missed.

"My bad I should've just let Topper drown your ass." JJ continued fighting with John B."

"Right Topper was gonna drown me." John B responded sarcastically.

"Sure looked like it." The two of them continued bickering and I looked at Kie.
"What's going on?"

"After you and Rafe left Topper and John B got in a fight and it got ugly." I took in John B's black eye and my stomach twisted. Thank god Rafe and I left when we did. He for sure would have jumped in to help Topper and John B would've been a goner.

"They always win! Kooks vs Pogues man they always win!" JJ yelled in frustration.

"It's okay!" Kie tried to calm him down.

"No it's not. Look they don't want us in the marsh that means there's something valuable down there and you know it. I know you do." He pointed at John B. "I can see why you don't want to you're the golden boy." He gestured to Pope. "And you two are already rich as fuck anyways. Why would you bother?" He looked at Kie and I. He continued trying to talk to John B and then he finally got his attention. "I got a plan alright?"

"No it's not. Look they don't want us in the marsh that means there's something valuable down there and you know it. I know you do." He pointed at John B. "I can see why you don't want to you're the golden boy." He gestured to Pope. "And you two are already rich as fuck anyways. Why would you bother?" He looked at Kie and I. He continued trying to talk to John B and then he finally got his attention. "I got a plan alright?"

"That's probably not good." Pope muttered and I nodded in agreement.

"Molly." They both turned to face us. "Think you can get your hands on the keys to Mr. Cameron's big boat?" Oh god this is a bad idea.

"Don't you work on the boat? You should already have the keys?" I asked John B. He's done work on both of our dad's boats.

"No, he makes me put the keys back each night." He responded.

"Well it's a good thing we just brought Rafe's girlfriend into the group then, isn't it?" I gave him a look. Rafe and I are finally okay again I don't want to fuck it up.

"I'm not helping you steal from the Cameron's." I put my foot down.

"Not stealing..borrowing." JJ reworded it. "There's scuba gear on his boat and we can borrow it for long enough to get down there, then bring it back. No harm no foul." It's not a bad plan actually.

"You're going to give it back?" I asked. If they're just borrowing the equipment I don't care, but if they're stealing it I'm out.

"Yes, I'll do it so I can make sure it gets back." John B reassured me.

"Fine, but if this goes south you're taking the wrap for this." I negotiated.

"Deal." He agreed and shook my hand.

"Meet me at my place, give me two hours." They nodded and I left to try to figure out how to get the keys.


I was at my place, trying to think of something when my dad walked inside. "Hey Molly are you going to the Cameron's today?" He asked, and my heart thumped with excitement.

"Yeah why?"

"Would you mind giving a check to Ward? I completely forgot when I saw him the other day." I nodded and he slipped into his office to grab it. Once he came back out he handed it to me. Perfect, now I have an excuse to get in. lleft and made my way there before knocking at the door but no one answered. I tried the door and it opened so I looked around confused. They must be outside.

I walked into the kitchen and surely enough outside is Sarah, Wheezy, Ward, and Rose. I'm not sure if Rafe is home but I don't think he is or he probably would've been out there with them. I tried to think of where Ward would put his keys and realized they're probably in his office. I walked back into the foyer and looked around one more time before making my way to the office and slipping inside.

Adrenaline rushed through me as I rummaged through the drawers. Finally I opened one and saw the keys with the 'My Druthers' tag on them and tucked them into my pocket. As soon as I slid the drawer closed I heard footsteps and I turned just as Rafe walked into the room.

"Hey." I greeted him, trying to hide the panic at him catching me off guard

"What are you doing in here?" I tried to think of an excuse then remembered the check.

"My dad asked me to drop this off for Ward." I pulled it out of the other pocket and put it on the desk.

"Does...he even know you're here?" He asked, referring to his dad.

"Oh, no I saw they were outside I didn't want to be a bother." | brushed it off and thankfully he seemed to buy this.

"Well it's good then, because if they don't know you're here, they won't mind if we head upstairs." He walked closer to me and slipped his arms around my waist, pulling me in to him. Rafe's parents, despite us being older never let us go upstairs alone which is annoying. My parents couldn't care less, mostly because my dad's too busy in his own world. He placed his lips against mine gently, and as much as I want to stay with him, I know I need to get back to give John B these keys.

"I would love to, but I have to get back." I said and he looked annoyed. "My dad is making us go to dinner with some of his investors it's like this big thing and I have to get ready."

"Alright." He gave in knowing there's nothing I can do about that. It's not a lie either, this morning before I went to the cut he told me and I begged him not to make me go to that but he told me l had to, which is why I was late.

"I'll make it up to you I promise." I told him and gave him another kiss.

"You better." He called after me as I left.


By the time I got back home it was the same time John B was supposed to meet me so we both parked at the end of the driveway. "You get them?" He asked and I tossed them to him. "Perfect! Let's go." I really want to, but i can't risk upsetting my dad.

"About that, I can't." I told him and he looked at me confused. "I have to do this investor dinner with my dad and he's gonna freak if I'm not there." He nodded understandingly. "Let me know what you find though."

"I will. If it's anything good I'll text you to meet us tomorrow." He replied and I nodded back.

"Good luck and please don't kill yourself." I asked him and he let out a laugh.

"No promises." | shook my head as he got in his car and drove away. At least for now my work is done. I hope we're right and there's something worthwhile down there. I guess for now we'll have to wait and see.


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