Chapter 44

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I drove the Pogue's to Kie's house and we waited in her driveway for her to tell her parents we're going to Charleston. I leaned back in my seat, trying to tune out the sound of them fighting and I saw JJ reach for the screen to change the song and I slapped his hand away. "Ow!"

"Don't touch."

"Seriously we're sitting in a G glass Mercedes and you're telling me not to touch anything?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.

"I guess you can since I'm going to need to get it deep cleaned after your ass has been in it." I replied, and he let out a laugh before wiggling obnoxiously in his seat. "knock it off!"

"Oh I'm sorry is this bothering you?" He started wiggling even more.

"Yes it is stop!"

"Ooo look at me rubbing my Pogue butt all over-" He was cut off by Kie whipping the back door open and jumping in.

"Drive!" She ordered, and I whipped it into reverse and floored it out of there.


I drove the car onto the Ferry and we all stood outside of it as it sailed across the water. "My parents are so paranoid about me being a Pogue they want to send me to boarding school." Kie filled us in and I gave her a sympathetic look.

"You know it's not so bad being a kook." I tried to make her feel better.

"You know I say we just crumble some herb right now." JJ stated, handing her a joint.

"Have you tried hitting John B back on that number yet?" Pope asked her.

"Like twenty thousand times. Some random lady from a hotel keeps answering."

"Well until we hear from him we gotta clear his name."

"Ward and Rafe aren't going to be a problem for a little while." I told them and they all looked at me. "I was with Rafe last night and he told us him and his dad were taking a "business trip" to Nassau."


"That's not good." I nodded at this.

"If we could have gotten in touch with Sarah and John B I would've warned them but I also got the random hotel lady when I called."

"Right now this letter is our best bet." Pope replied and Kie went to hand him the joint.

"What Pope are you gonna be today?" He looked between it and her and then shook his head.
"I'm good." He decided. "Gotta stay focused.

"Good Pope." She stated, and sat down. "Boring Pope." I shot her a look at that comment and I noticed Pope looked hurt before walking to the other side of the car for a second. JJ and her passed it back and forth and I shook my head before walking to the other side to talk to him.

"You okay?" I asked and he nodded looking straight ahead instead of at me. "You're not boring for that you know."

"You seem to be the only one that thinks so."

"Pope, sometimes people use things like that to escape their problems. It's a temporary fix to make them
feel better. Don't take it personal."

"I just..." He trailed off, waiting to see if he can hear them and they're still giggling on the other side of the car so they aren't listening. "! really like her, and I really want her to like me too but it just feels like I'm doing
everything wrong."

"You can't force it." I reminded him. "If she doesn't like you how you are, that's her loss." Before he could respond we were met with the ship horn signaling that the ferry arrived.

We drove for hours until we finally found a small road and a road sign reading '125 Charleston' I took in how pretty the road is with Willow trees swooping over it and I willed it to keep me awake. This has been a long ass drive and I'm beat. "Guys I've read this thing like a million times and it makes no sense." Kie announced. "The Limbrey's own like half of Charleston. What do the Kook Kings of Charleston know about a murder on Kildare Island?"

"Why you specifically? That's the other creepy thing" JJ pointed out.

"Please come alone, that's hella sus." Kie agreed with him.

"I was thinking the same thing." Pope said. "I think it's because-" He was cut off by the sound of a loud pop and the car started getting hard to drive.

"What the fuck?!" I pulled over and parked the car. The boys jumped out and I noticed the blown out back wheel.

"Damn! Took the whole hub cap off and everything!" JJ announced and I let out a groan of frustration. He ran to go pick it up.

"You've got to be joking!" I stated.

"Uh, okay how about Triple A?" Kie asked and they looked at me.

"I don't have it." I admitted and JJ raised his eyebrows.

"You're rich as fuck and you don't have Triple A?!"

"I never needed it!" I defended myself. "If I had a car issue I would just call my dad or Rafe. Plus I never really drive this far." They threw their hands up in frustration.

"Plan B public transport maybe?" Kie suggested.

"Where's the spare?" Pope asked, and I shrugged, giving them the keys. They looked everywhere and then shot me a glare.

"You don't have a spare either?!"

"I don't know about the car guys I just drive it!" I huffed. It's like they expect me to be the damn mechanic.


We managed to get a tow truck to come and bring it to some dingy car place in the middle of nowhere as night lit up the sky. Kie and JJ stayed off to the side and Pope and I talked to the guy that owns it. "Look I get it, it's late and you want me to put a rush on it." He said. "But it's gonna cost you extra."

"Seriously." I scoffed. "Is it because of the rush or because you see the car and assume I can pay you extra?"

"Molly!" Pope hissed, and one of the annoying things about being wealthy is that everyone tries to take advantage of you because they assume you have a ton of money to spare.

"Do you want the tire or not?" He asked, knowing that I'm in a shit position anyway.

"Fine." I went into my wallet to grab my card and let out a breath when I noticed that there's not just one black card in there, there's two.

The day Rafe got me the phone he was looking at other stuff in the store and passed me the card to pay and I guess without thinking I just put it in my wallet. "Here." I handed him Rafe's card. That's what he gets for lying to me.

"Rafe Cameron?" The guy read the name on the card. "You don't look like a Rafe Cameron to me." Pope's eyes shot over to mine as the mechanic looked over the card that's probably worth more than anything he's ever had in his entire life.

"Do you want the money or not?" I reiterated his words from earlier and his eyes left the card and landed on me.

"If you stole some guys car and money, I don't want no part of it." He responded, but still ran the card anyway and turned the pin-pad for me to enter the pin.

"Believe me, Rafe's not gonna say anything about this." I reassured him, entered in the code and watched as the transaction approved. The receipt printed out and he handed it to us.

"Have a good night." Pope told the mechanic.

"Oh and by the way the car's mine." I threw before grabbing my keys and walking out the door.
"You have Rafe's credit card?!" Pope asked and I nodded.

"I didn't realize I did until now but that's great for us." I told them all as they climbed back into the car. We drove a little further and found an open park field and decided to park for the night. All of us reclined back in our seats and I didn't realize how tired I was until I finally got to close my eyes. "Goodnight everyone." Pope said and we all mumbled a goodnight back before allowing sleep to take over us. Tomorrow we finally get some answers as to who C. Limbrey is, and maybe we can see if we have a real shot at getting the gold back.

Hope you liked it.

Molly Wescott ~Rafe Cameron~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن