Just leave me alone!

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It was end of shift and Angela, Nyla, and Lucy cracked the case. Lucy went to the locker room to get her stuff and go home. On her out of the station she saw Tim and he started to walk towards her and Lucy turned toward him.

Tim:"Luce please just stop so we can talk
Lucy:"Unless you're here to tell me the truth, just leave me alone!" Lucy said starting to get annoyed at all of this.
Tim:"Look, Luce I want to tell you I really do but I don't want you to get in trouble for my actions and by telling you, you will just get roped in to it." Tim desperately trying to get her to understand.
Lucy:"Tim if we don't have trust in each other what do we have, I need you to trust the fact that I can handle my self."
Tim:"I know you can handle yourself, but I need you to trust me that I won't go in to deep and stuck in a bad position."
Lucy:"How am I supposed to trust you if I don't even know what you're doing!" Lucy was starting to aggravated and just wanted to walk away so she doesn't say something she will regret but Tim was persistent.
Tim:"Luce I get why you're upset today but..." Tim started to say before Lucy interrupted him.
Lucy:"Do you Tim, do you really!"Lucy said finishing his sentence before storming off to her car.

Angela heard the whole thing and walked over to Tim. Tim sighed and tried to walk away as he was not in the mood to deal with Angela right now. Angela just kept following him till he gave in.

Tim:"What do you want Angela?" Tim said a little annoyed.
Angela:"whoa, okay take it out on an innocent bystander." Angela said jokingly.
Tim:"Sorry, I'm just annoyed, Lucy just can't seem to have any trust in me." Tim said defeated.
Angela:"Well you need to have trust in her that she can take care of herself, but I can kinda see where you're coming from too."
Tim:"Did you come here to pick sides, or are you here to actually help?" Tim said a little annoyed at her still
Angela:"Neither, I just wanted to tell you she's just worried about you, not so much mad."
Tim:"How do you that, did she tell you?"
Angela:"kind of, but that's not the point Tim, you need to tell her very soon okay?"
Tim:"Why? It's not like I'm going to die tomorrow."
Angela:"Look she had a panic attack this morning and it was pretty bad, that's all I'm going to say."
Tim:"What? Why didn't you tell me!" Tim said worried for her
Angela:"It wasn't my place, but please Tim just tell her."
Tim looked out the window of the station to see if her car was still there but it wasn't and he just walked away to his car without saying anything else. Tim got in his car and decided to just leave her be for the night as it was late and he would see her tomorrow.

*with Lucy*

Lucy was sat in her car and started to cry. After a couple of minutes she stopped crying and drove back to her apartment. Once was home she saw a note Tamara left on the fridge. The note said"I went to sleepover at my friend's house, I will be back tomorrow call me if you need anything." Lucy read the note and went to her room and just plopped down on her bed. The same thoughts as before were rushing through her brain, she started to cry again but eventually fell asleep.

Lucy woke up in the middle of the night at around 2 am shaking because she had a dream that Tim died while doing his weird secret op he was doing because she wasn't able to save him and her last words to him were words she regretted saying. Lucy felt a panic attack coming on and got up and went to the kitchen to get a drink of water and calm herself down. Lucy started to feel like she couldn't breathe and nothing she was doing was helping, she still couldn't breathe and was sitting in the corner of the living room with her head in her knees still crying. Lucy did the only thing she could think of which was call the first person that pops up when she opens her recent calls. So without knowing it she ended up calling Tim.

Tim answered the phone confused why Lucy would be calling him, especially at 2 am.
Lucy:"I-I can't b-breathe."
Tim:"What! Luce I'm on my way just try to take deep breaths, stay on the phone okay?" Tim said very worried.
Lucy couldn't really recognize who it was that she called but at that moment all she really wanted was Tim there right next to her. She didn't really care about the being able to protect herself part, what she cared about was making sure he was safe and she knew where he was.
Lucy:"o-o-okay." Lucy said it getting harder and harder for her to breathe.
Once Tim was only about 2 minutes away Lucy's phone died and Tim got increasingly worried. Tim continued to rush over to her apartment and once he got there he knocked on the door but there was no answer so he used his spare key to get in. He entered the apartment and saw Lucy in the corner of the living room still in a ball with tears running down her face.

Tim ran over to her and sat next to her, Lucy's head was still tucked between her knees. Tim pulled her close to him and rubbed her back. As soon as Tim pulled her against him and started to rub her back she knew it was him, but she didn't care she just wanted them to stop fighting and resolve the issue.
Tim:"It's okay Luce, I'm here okay, just take a deep breath for me okay." Tim said still worried about her.
Lucy:"I'm s-sorry..." Lucy said still hyperventilating and starting to cry harder.
Tim:"no,no, it's not your fault okay? You were just worried and I should have told you what I was doing." Tim said in attempt to calm her down a little bit.
Lucy unraveled her self out of the ball and laid her head on Tim's chest. Tim stroked her hair and ran his fingers through it. Lucy started to calm down a little bit after knowing he was right there and safe. Lucy eventually fell asleep cuddled up in his lap and Tim picked her up like a baby and brought her to the bed after he knew she was fully asleep. Tim layed next to her and wrapped his arms around her and put one leg on top of hers so she would feel safe. Eventually they both fell asleep and Tim woke up to Lucy...

Part 3 should be out soon, it should be out tomorrow or Wednesday

What if Tim and Lucy had a big argument that night(6x5).Where stories live. Discover now