The hospital

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On the way to the hospital Lucy passed out again due to blood loss and the cut in her neck. When they arrived Lucy was rushed to the trauma room to look at her injuries.

Tim was sitting in the waiting room waiting to be able to see her until Angela walked into the hospital.
A:"Tim! Where is she?"
T:"They brought her to a trauma room to assess her injuries."
A:"Did they say anything?"
T:"No, they just brought her in, she did pass out on the ride here though."
A:"She's strong, she will pull through."
T:"This is all my fault. If I had just warned her about him this wouldn't have happened!"
A:Tim, this is not your fault okay? It's Rays, not yours."
T:"Thanks, Ang."

Both of them sat there for a little longer until a doctor came into the waiting room.
D:"Family of Lucy Chen?"
Tim immediately stood up and walked over to the doctor.
T:"That's us."
D:"She should be okay after a lot of healing, we gave her stitches on most cuts and would like to do a rape kit."
T:"Okay, can we go see her?"
D:"Yes of course room 209."
T:"Thank you."
Tim went to Lucy's room and went in, he immediately sat down in the chair next to her bed.
L:"Hey Timothy" Lucy says as she let out a quiet giggle.
Tim smiled at her and kissed her on the head.
L:"When can I leave?"
T:"I don't know baby, probably at least 2 full days."
L:"I don't wanna be here..."
T:"I know but you got to heal."
Lucy just nodded and they put on the tv and watched top chef until the doctor came in.
D:"Hey Miss Chen and Mr.Bradford, I just wanted to come Check on Lucy and see how you guys are doing."
L:"When can I go home?"
D:"Well, we want to keep you here for at least another 2 days to see how your wounds are healing and to monitor you but then after that you should be able to go home if there was no issues."
Lucy didn't say anything and instead just nodded and the doctor continued to speak about the plans moving forward. Once the doctor left Tim and Lucy ate and watched more top chef before going to sleep. Lucy eventually drifted off to sleep and so did Tim.

**Lucys dream**

The blood dripping down her arms, the stabbing of the knife as he cuts deeper in her skin, the feeling of  him slamming into her, the feeling that she is going to die.

**Back to normal**

Tim woke up to sounds of whimpering and tossing and turning on the bed. Tim looked over to the bed to see Lucy tossing and turning in the bed while whimpering.
L:"P-Please stop" Lucy said in between whimpers still sleeping.
T:"Luce, what's wrong?" Tim said worried.
Tim caught a look at Lucy's face and noticed she was sleeping and layed next to her and started to try to wake her up.
T:"Luce, baby wake up, it's just a dream."
Lucy woke up very startled and as soon as she saw Tim she curled up in his arms and her head nestled in his chest.
T:"I'm here baby, I'm here, it was just a dream."
L:"W-What if he f-finds m-me again..." Lucy said starting to panic jumping up to a sitting position.
T:"Luce, look at me." Tim said seeing that Lucy was about to have a panic attack. Lucy turned to look at him.
T:"That isn't going to happen okay, we won't let it."
L:"H-How do you k-know, it a-always a p-possibility."
T:"Luce, take a few deep breaths okay, your okay, he's at the station in holding, he won't be getting out any time soon."
L:"I-I'm scared..." Lucy said still not able to catch her breath."
T:"I know baby, lay back and relax again okay, you need to take some deep breaths."
L:"I-I c-can't."
T:"Yes you can, come here."
Lucy laid back and nestled back in Tim's arms again just like before and tried to take a deep breath before drifting back asleep. Tim waited for Lucy fully to be back to bed before going back to sleep himself.

What if Tim and Lucy had a big argument that night(6x5).Where stories live. Discover now