Rosalind dyer

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The next morning Tim woke up before Lucy and played with her hair till she woke up and looked up at Tim.
T:"Morning beautiful."
L:"Morning." Lucy said sleepily.
T:"How did you sleep?"
L:"Besides the nightmare, okay."
Lucy and Tim kept talking for bit until they both got a little hungry as it was almost time for lunch.
T:"You hungry?"
Lucy just nodded yes.
T:"Alright, I will go get us some lunch and be back soon."

Tim left and Lucy laid in bed still watching top chef until the TV changed to breaking news.
NR(News reporter):"Breaking news, around 3:00am this morning Rosalind Dyer escaped prison and still has not been located by LA authorities. Please call 911 if you see her or know any information."
Lucy turned off the TV and ran into the bathroom panicking locking the door. She went to the corner of the bathroom with her head in her knees while rocking back and forth.

**With Tim**

Just as Tim was about to get in his car he got a call from Angela.
T:"Hey Ang."
A:Hey are you with Lucy?" Tim heard the worry in her voice.
T:"No...I was just about to get in the car to get us lunch, why?"
A:"Rosalind escaped this morning around 3Am and we haven't found her yet, we don't know where she is."
T:"What, how could this happen! She is literally a serial killer!"
A:"Tim, we will find her but Lucy needs you!"
T:"I know I'm going in now bye."
Tim hung up and tried to call Lucy but got no answer. Tim got up to the room and didn't see Lucy but noticed the bathroom door was closed.

T"Lu, can you unlock the door please, it's just me."
Lucy would have unlocked door, but she couldn't hear him, she was still zoned out in the corner rocking back and forth.
T:"Luce? Luce answer me please..."
Lucy started shaking and whimpering a little. Tim started to worry and looked around the room for something he could use to open the door without breaking it down, Tim realized he had his debit card in his wallet and used it to open the door. When he opened the door he looked in the corner to see Lucy still whimpering and shaking while zoned out and Tim immediately went over to her and went down on his knees in front of her.
T:"Lu? Luce what's happening?" Tim said while starting to rub her back.
Lucy flinched as he began to rub her back and snapped out of it.
L:"T-Tim?" Lucy said starting to hyperventilate.
T:"Yes baby, I'm here, I'm here."
L:"W-What if she f-finds me..."
T:"I won't let her, you will be okay, I promise."
L:"I-I'm s-scared." Lucy said starting to cry.
T:"I know baby come here." Tim said picking her up with one arm under her knees and one hand under her back and Lucy nestled her head on Tim's chest.
Lucy started to panic even more and her breathing started to get faster.
T:"Lu, baby I need you to try to take some deep breaths with me okay."
L:"I-I c-can't it h-h-hurts."
T:"I know baby but I need you to try for me, okay?" Tim said while getting on the bed with Lucy between his legs while holding her in his arms.
T:"Ready, in 1-2-3, hold 1-2-3, out 1-2-3."
Lucy tried her best to follow his breathing and they did it a couple more times, until her breathing slowed down a little and she fell asleep shortly after still nestled in Tim's arms.

What if Tim and Lucy had a big argument that night(6x5).Where stories live. Discover now